Flannel Sheets, Baby

Friday, November 30, 2012

I have a winter bedding tip for all of you. Get flannel sheets. I hate getting all comfy cozy and ready to get into bed, and then feeling the shock of icy cotton sheets. We used to have an electric blanket in winter, for the sole purpose of warming the bed before we got in, but this process requires forethought and most times, I was impatient and just got in anyway.

Flannel sheets were an experiment, a total shot in the dark, and they work perfectly! No wires to feed around your mattress and headboard, no time to heat up. They are warm the second you slide into them. They're probably the cheapest sheets you can buy, too. I got my queen set, including everything, at Target for $25. Ta-da!!

I got presale tickets yesterday for Matchbox Twenty!! Whee! Usually presale tix aren't that great, but these are. Even if they hadn't been, there isn't a bad seat in the house at ACL Live. It's all up close and personal there. My favorite concert venue by far.

Patrick's Sunday Seven
This week’s topic is about sitcoms that I just didn’t see the appeal of. I’m curious to see how many of them didn’t do it for you!

My 7 Least Favorite Long-Running Sitcoms

1. Married ... With Children- just didn't get it
2. Family Matters- Urkel is incredibly annoying
3. The King Of Queens- too much yelling and arguing
4. Friends- Cathy's gonna kill me for this one. I watch reruns now and they're funny enough for the middle of the night, but I never saw a single episode when it was originally on.
5. The Beverly Hillbillies - I just found it to be making fun of all kinds of people- uneducated people, rich people, pretty girls, older people... everyone was a caricature or stereotype
6. The Andy Griffith Show- I watched it sometimes, but I only really got a kick out of Don Knotts, the rest was sort of too "goody two-shoes" for my taste
7. Webster- I didn't find Emmanuel Lewis as adorable as everyone else seemed to


Annoying Software Updates

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I feel like I'm constantly badgered into updating software lately. I get it from my PC, my netbook and my iPhone. Between this and having items plugged in all over the house recharging all the time, technology is beginning to give me a tic.

Every day it's something. On my phone, it's usually apps I don't even use that are pushing notifications they need to be updated. If it's Facebook or WWF, great! If it's Flixter, eh. I've started deleting apps I rarely use, even though it would be nice to have them, because they are too frequently buzzing me to update.

On my PC, it's iTunes, Windows, Java and Adobe Reader, followed by other individually less frequent, but collectively annoying software. Holy bajeebus, can't these programs go even a month without popping up on my taskbar to be updated?

I want to tell these programs to auto-update in the middle of the night or something, but my only option is whether or not to check for updates automatically. Turn that off, and you're having to remember to manually check every program website for updates.

I'd also like to tell them no, when they ask to update, to leave the updates for the next time. Windows lets you do that, although it lays on a huge guilt trip about being irresponsible by not keeping your computer safe from viruses and other malicious attacks, and insinuates you probably weren't held enough as a baby.

iTunes for PC likes to give you an option to not update, but then nag you every 24 hours until you do. Actually iTunes itself has a "don't ask me again" button, but the dang iCloud and QuickTime updates are relentless! And sans said button.

I never did figure out how to get my phone to stop bugging me about updating to iOS 6, so I finally just updated it. I'm convinced that was the point all along. While we're talking about iPhone, I also don't like to have to log in every single time I download an update. Let me turn that off and just download when I say so.

In the end, the real problem is the frequency of software updates. Do Microsoft engineers need to sit around all day, every day, fixing tiny Windows bugs and shooting out the fixes, which always require a reboot (gah), every 2-14 days? Really? Whatever happened to patches and updates that came out every six months to two years? If you were having problems or heard about some improvement, you hunted that patch down and downloaded it and installed it. And you were happy about it.

Shout out to Firefox on getting it right. Firefox allows you to choose to update automatically, as all things should. Thank you Firefox, for working as software should work. You are setting an example for the world.

If programs won't let us give them permission to just update at will, then I wish to be able to set a time, like every 6 months, where the computer checks all my programs for necessary updates. Maybe I'm missing some functionality for several weeks, but that is alright with me. If there is some serious security fix- and I mean SERIOUS- I'm looking at you, Windows updater- then it can let me know immediately. Otherwise, I'll catch it all one day when I get the massive notifications for all my software at one time.

Also, stop installing shortcuts on my desktop, updaters. I will never need to be a double-click away from Quicktime every moment of my day.

And that final message you get from most of these installers, right after you update--

"Checking for updates..."

What the...??! Don't even think about telling me there are updates to the updates.


The Last Goodbye

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jamming to this awesomeness on headphones on repeat at full blast!

Tossing in a little PS22 harmonies. Just... yay. :)

We all sang the ever-loving crap out of this thing at ACL Live when David played on Halloween night last year.  SO fun!


Cancer Sucks

Guess what I found out. People like me, who have a history of lymphoma or leukemia, cannot have the shingles vaccine. Super! So, shingles may be in my future. I usually say that if it ain't cancer, it ain't a big deal. Well my mom got shingles. It was excrutiating pain like she'd never felt before. I'll just hope they come up with a better treatment in the next several years.

(While they're at it, maybe they'll develop something less invasive than a colonoscopy before I'm 50 as well. Not looking forward to that.)

My friends who can get the vaccine, you better get it! If you don't, and you get shingles, I'll visit your bedside just to stare at you and shake my head.

I won't say "I told you so" out loud.

Speaking of cancer, my uncle Rob just found out he probably has kidney cancer. Ugh. I can't believe it. That's three out of five siblings. My uncle John had genetic testing when he was diagnosed after my mom. They determined that they did not have Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, a rare, but the most common genetic issue in families who present with multiple cases of kidney cancer, which is rather rare itself. However, there is another genetic abnormality that runs in families, which, if one parent has it, gives the children a 50-50 chance of getting kidney cancer.

One good thing- If Rob's tumor is indeed malignant, it is tiny (8mm), and he has a good prognosis. They also would only remove a very small portion of his kidney. The only reason they even found it is because the siblings are having annual kidney cancer checks from age 50+. They saw it on his CT scan. Lucky lucky.


"Facebook Law for Idiots"

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CollegeHumor's Favorite Funny Videos

Some general advice: If it sounds alarmist, it probably is. There are simple ways to find out if things are true before spreading them around the net, and the poster has a responsibility to do that. Or they just look silly. :)


Tuesday Already?

Dear Maroon 5,

Please add an Austin date between Houston and Dallas. There's a perfectly good night in between. I mean, why not? Right?


On an unrelated note-- Les Mis AND The Hobbit next month. Yaaaay!!

Patrick's Saturday Six: L

1. L is for LACTOSE: What’s your favorite dairy product?
mint chocolate chip ice cream

2. L is for LANGUAGE: If you could learn any language that you haven’t already studied in any way, which one would you choose?

3. L is for LAUGH: Who is the last comedian to make you literally laugh out loud?
Craig Ferguson

4. L is for LEATHER: How many items made of leather do you own?
Several pairs of shoes... one purse... some belts...  I don't know really. The first leather item I ever bought for myself was a black leather pencil skirt in London when I was a teenager. That should be on my Facebook Timeline as a life event. One of my coolest purchases ever.

5. L is for LEFTOVER: Which specific food leftover from Thanksgiving dinner do you tire of the fastest?

6. L is for LIBRARY: How often do you visit your local library?
I haven't been in probably 12-13 years. When Lauren was little, we practically lived there.


Christmas Shopping

Monday, November 26, 2012

Starting Christmas shopping today! This year, I have decided to make a list before I buy anything. Then I can just go to the stores I need to visit and order online in one big order, instead of milling around the malls looking for "something cool for Aunt Freda."

Saturday 9: Cold Turkey

1) Are you still feasting on cold turkey, or any other leftovers, from your Thanksgiving meal?
Actually on Sunday, I had some cranberry sauce with my sandwich at lunch. That is the last of the leftovers. I'm not a big fan of eating the same thing over and over, so leftovers are usually frozen for later use around here. The leftover turkey is in two big bags in the freezer.

2) AAA says Thanksgiving is a big travel weekend. Did you venture far from home for your holiday dinner?
We stayed at home. Jeff's family came down from Dallas.

3) Is this weekend the official start of the Christmas season for you?

4) Which couple would you rather hang out with -- Fred and Wilma Flintstone or George and Jane Jetson?
I'd rather hang out in the future than the past, but if we're talking strictly personality, I'd go with Fred and Wilma. George is that annoying, know-it-all type. You can only take so much of that.

5) Have you/would you ever get your teeth whitened?
I use super-whitening toothpaste, but I've never gotten them professionally whitened. I'm not against it, just haven't done it.

6) Do you still have your high school class ring?
I didn't get a high school ring, because I knew I wouldn't wear it after high school. I did get the miniature high school class ring that hung on a chain. I wore it all the time my senior year, but I have no idea where it is now.

7) Here's $50. You must spend it all in one place. What are you going to do with it?
buy something pretty at Pier 1 to replace the vase that Maya broke when she knocked it off the mantel

8) Could your vehicle use a trip to the car wash right about now?

9) Did you hit the snooze button this morning?
I never hit the snooze button.


Welcome to the SEC

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A&M 10-2 for our inaugural season in the SEC. And the naysayers said we would suck. HA!

Yes, I feel better having gotten that off my chest. :)

Did I mention we lost those two games to Florida by only 3 and LSU by only 5 and we beat Ala-freakin-bama? It is true. Okay, even I didn't think the season would be that awesome. What a joy to be wrong!

Johnny is a big factor, but the entire team played well, even the second string, which we saw a lot of because of all the high scoring games. Going into next year, we will retain a very strong team, perhaps even stronger. Recruiting is crazy good.

Another big factor- Coach Sumlin. Bravo to him for his great coaching, including not letting even big names get away with breaking team rules. Sumlin is admirably cool and level-headed on the field, proving that one does not have to pop a blood vessel, yelling and tossing clipboards like many highly successful college coaches who the fans love to hate around the NCAA. Congrats, Coach!

And a shoutout to Kliff Kingsbury, because he's hot. Okay, he's a star offensive coordinator, too.

That trick play in last night's game, where Manziel magically went from QB to receiver and would have gotten a touchdown, but for the remarkable efforts of a Mizzou defender? (Directly in front of our seats, by the way.) Holy COWCATS, that would have been so incredible! Our section was dying. Like AWWWWWW MAAAAAN...

I hope we see that play again.

Another football note--- While I was prattling on about college football at a million miles an hour on Thursday, I accidentally referred to the TCU Horned Frogs as the TCU Horndogs. I don't care who you are, that is funny right there.

Lincoln was SO good. I didn't realize that the two political parties have been dug in against each other since those times. I love the way the representatives talk to each other.

"The representative from the state of Ohio is a no-good scallywag!"

"How DARE you, sir!"

I wish our reps would talk like that. I'd watch C-SPAN every day. Perhaps, similar to Talk Like a Pirate Day, there could be an official Talk Like a Civil War Era Congressman Day. Yeah!

For someone who can't sit through a history class without shifting around in my chair and checking the clock, this 2.5 hour film kept me completely immersed in the times, and even though I knew the outcome of about everything that happened, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see it on the screen.

Excellent acting, of course. Brilliant direction. Just a fabulous film all around.

Sunday Stealing

1. Where was your profile picture taken?
outside G Rollie Coliseum before an A&M football game

2. Name someone who made you laugh today.
No one has made me laugh yet. Jeff and I have talked, but he wasn't funny. :)

3. Do you believe exes can be friends?
Yes. I consider all my exes friends. Not super close friends, but like casual, going-to-lunch, Christmas card friends. For instance, as much of a non-issue as it should be, it would be awkward to take your families on vacation together or live next door to each other.

4. How do you feel about Dr Pepper?
love it

5. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Lauren at Chili's on her birthday a little over a week ago

6. Are you upset about anything?

7. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?

8. Are you a bad influence?
I can be. Nothing really bad, but perhaps worse than someone may have been without my encouragement. I'm particularly good at getting girlfriends to purchase a lot of stuff when we're out shopping, while I buy nothing all day. *adjusts halo*

9. Night out or night in?
almost always night out

10. Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
Yep. People sure say crazy things, don't they?

11. What song is stuck in your head?
"Innocent" Our Lady Peace

12. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be?
Kathy and the rest of my college friends, for a surprise reunion party

13. Do you smile a lot?


"I Take it Black, Like My Men"

Friday, November 23, 2012

Oh, Airplane. You're still hilarious after all these years.

I always stay away from shopping on Black Friday, and I will keep that tradition alive today. If you are shopping today, good luck and Godspeed.

Thanksgiving... The Texans won. The Cowboys lost. That always makes it a great day! ;) Mom would have been thrilled.

My Thanksgiving feast was yummy, even though the oven got turned off during the turkey heating process and delayed lunch by an hour. The turkey was smoked, so we could just have had it cold. But it was definitely better hot. And I managed to keep all my sides appropriately warm without getting overdone. Yay!

Friday Five: Black

1. What’s your favorite black article of clothing?
a casual pair of black capri pants with lots of pockets. Great for football games!

2. What’s the best black food?
black beans

3. How did you pass the time during your most recent extended blackout (power outage)?
We don't have many extended power outages here. A few years ago, our power was out for a couple of hours. I did some yard work.

4. When did you last play blackjack?
on our cruise in April

5. What are some songs in your iTunes (or other media player) whose titles contain the word black?
"Welcome to the Black Parade"- My Chemical Romance
"Black Roses Red"- Alana Grace
"Black Jesus"- Lady Gaga
"Black Bird"- Across the Universe soundtrack
"Black Cat"- Janet Jackson

Song Lyrics of the Day

...You turned your back on tomorrow
'Cause you forgot yesterday.
I gave you my love to borrow,
But you just gave it away.
You can't expect me to be fine,

I don't expect you to care

I know I've said it before,
But all of our bridges burned down...

"Payphone" Maroon 5
(because everyone needs a little Adam Levine on a Friday morning) 

you turned your back on tomorrow ‘cause you forgot yesterday I gave you my love to borrow, but you just gave it away You can’t expect me to be fine, I don’t expect you to care

you turned your back on tomorrow ‘cause you forgot yesterday I gave you my love to borrow, but you just gave it away You can’t expect me to be fine, I don’t expect you to care



Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

This is the first Thanksgiving I've hosted the fam. We've been doing our own Thanksgiving, both by ourselves and with friends, since Lauren was about 5, because we visited both sides of the family at Christmas. Jeff's mom, dad and brother are arriving this morning and staying through Saturday. We haven't seen them since the family reunion this summer. It'll be fun!

I planned a family beer tasting for tomorrow night. Jeff and I selected beers based solely on the names and the appeal of the bottles. A fine standard, if you ask me. I did a beer tasting party several years ago, and many of us were surprised that we liked the darker beers far better than the lighter. It's funny how different beer tastes when you are concentrating on the flavors. My favorite then was some sort of stout. Nobody liked the cherry beer, which I thought would be really good. It reminded us of cough syrup. No fruity beers this time.

We may all go see Lincoln at some point. We also play a lot of games when we get together. Not emotional games... actual board and card games. Heh.

Hope everyone travels safely and has a wonderful day today! Happy TG!


Silver Linings Playbook

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Silver Linings Playbook is really good!! It's a drama with just the right amount of comic relief. Everyone is so great in it. Bradley Cooper plays Pat, who is bipolar and trying to get his wife (and his job) back after almost beating his wife's lover to death and serving time in a mental facility for it. Jennifer Lawrence plays Tiffany, a friend's sister who also suffers from some variety of mental illness. When they meet, a friendship begins with Tiffany offering to help Pat contact his wife, if in return, he will help her with a special dance project. Robert De Niro plays Pat's dad, a die hard Eagles fan. Chris Tucker is Pat's buddy, Danny, from the institution.

One thing that struck me about it was the in-your-face honesty of both Pat and Tiffany, neither of whom have much of a filter. (Pat even says at one point that he doesn't have a filter.) But there is something refreshing about knowing exactly what people are thinking and feeling, especially with all the drama that is surrounding them.

Best scene (well, other than the obvious big event at the end, which was awesome)-- when Pat's dad angrily blames Tiffany for his woes of the day and Tiffany launches into a rant, including a stunningly detailed recounting of scores from the last several weeks of Philadelphia sports events. All the guys in the room are very impressed and are like, "WHOA. Wow!" 

Go see Silver Linings Playbook.

Kimberly is doing the daily November "thankful for" post on Facebook, and yesterday she said she was thankful that NPR had introduced her to an actor named Bradley Cooper. She posted a video having to do with the interview and said she had Googled him. I was first in a line of friends to say, "Excuse me?" Bradley Cooper? Where has she been? She said she wasn't a fan of movies about being hungover. Then came the replies of lists of Cooper's other movies. People's Sexiest Man Alive? Hello? I love that girl, but every now and then, she is a good distance outside the loop. ;)


Good Morning! :-)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


So... I woke up this morning to a friend's posting of a Facebook photo of a glass full of cornbread soaking in buttermilk, which she said was delicious. WHAT THE...??! It is the most disgusting thing I've seen all year.

And now you can see it, too:

Why? Why would someone do this to perfectly good cornbread?


2 Legit... 2 Legit 2 Quit

Monday, November 19, 2012

Best thing about the AMAs last night- the final number with Psy and MC Hammer doing a mashup of "Gangnam Style" and "2 Legit 2 Quit." OMG. SO GREAT!

The audience shots rocked.

I saw a Living Social deal yesterday for shooting all these high-powered guns- Desert Eagle, M4, AK-47 and Uzi- under the direction of former SWAT and special forces members. I thought Jeff would like it, maybe as a Christmas gift. So I asked JeffC, my consultant for all things gun-related. Luckily, he explained to me that they had already discussed that particular deal and how it's only 5 and 10 rounds per gun. The experience isn't a bad idea, it's just expensive, even with the coupon.

Turns out the two of them can shoot those guns anytime on their own. Meh.

Well, back to the tie rack idea.


Sunday's Saturday Six

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Patrick's Saturday Six: K

1. K is for KAKISTOCRACY: Which president would you rate as the worst in history?
As someone who has despised history class my entire life, I'm hardly knowledgeable enough to answer this question with any real authority. If you ask me who the worst president of my lifetime has been, by strictly an emotional, off-the-top-of-my-head response, I would say Nixon.

2. K is for KARAOKE: If you had to sing a song in a Karaoke tournament, which song would you choose?
"It's All Coming Back to Me Now" by Celine Dion. Yeah, baby!!

3. K is for KETCHUP: Which condiment do you use the most?

4. K is for KEY: What does the oldest key you own open?
my house- 17 years old

5. K is for KITCHEN: What would you most like to change about your kitchen?
I'd like to replace the over-the-range microwave with a stainless steel range hood, then replace the regular double oven with a stainless steel convection/microwave oven plus a standard oven. Then the kitchen would be awesome and have all matching appliances.

6. K is for KNOWLEDGE: Which single school subject has served you the best in your adult life? 
Biology, without a doubt. Helpful in my personal and professional life.


Saturday 9

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Never let your first outing after being sick in bed for several days be a trip to the grocery store. It's a long, labor-intensive errand that tires you out about halfway through, plus you always run into friends there. Alicia's greeting-- "Hey Kathy! You look sick!" Ugh. I know.

I'm still sick enough that I'm actually missing the A&M game today. That is CRAZY. Gig 'em Ags! BTHO Sam Houston State!

Saturday 9: Live and Let Die

1) "Live and Let Die" was nominated for an Oscar as best song. Do you have a favorite movie song?
"Come What May" from Moulin Rouge

2) The latest Bond movie, Skyfall, is crazy successful. Have you seen it/do you want to see it?
I'm not that into Bond films per se, but I'll probably see Skyfall because the reviews have been so good.

3) What do you think makes Bond movies so enduringly popular?
He's that guy who all the guys want to be and all the ladies want to be with. I'm more of a Tony Stark girl, myself.

4) Do you have a favorite among the actors who have played "Bond, James Bond?"
Gotta go with the original- Sean Connery

5) Bond orders martinis -- "shaken, not stirred." What's your regular drink order?
margarita on the rocks with salt

6) Moving from the bar to breakfast -- do you have a favorite cereal?
Honey nut Cheerios. I like Raisin Nut Bran better, but the raisin nuts are all in one half of the box, which means you either get far too many or hardly any of them in a bowl. I hate most cereals with chunks that settle and ruin the flake to chunk ratio.

7) Let's daydream about warm weather. Would you rather swim in a lake, the ocean, or an outdoor pool?
Outdoor pool. Then you don't have to worry about leeches or jellyfish or crabs or sharks. Only snakes, like the one that was in Kathy's pool with us once.

8) Did you get 8 hours' sleep last night?
Ahahaa. I haven't gotten 8 hours sleep since I got sick. Last night was one of the worst- four hours from 4:00 - 8:00 a.m.

9) What are you wearing on your feet right now?


Nope, Not Hallucinating

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Proof this happened...

Yes, it's supposed to be funny and over-the-top. Still. When you're already feeling like you're going to lose your cookies, you have to look away.



Holy Hell, have I been sick. I'm still barely functional, although from my appearance here, it seems that I have successfully logged on to my netbook.

I've had a fever and excruciating sore throat. Now I'm down to a nightmarish cough that hurts like all get-out. So I try not to cough, which is a pathway straight to pneumonia.

I hate being sick in bed watching television. Some vague memories between episodes of sleeping...

1) repeatedly seeing a loan company commercial and noting the small print said the interest rate was 90%-- ka-CHING
2) some marathon of "Million Dollar Rooms" on HGTV
3) Paula Deen made garlic bread with a stick of butter per half loaf... then cut the half in half and put her lasagna inside for a lasagna sandwich. You might think I dreamed that, but it's true.
4) I watched like fifteen minutes of some show through the little picture in the upper right corner, with the guide up

First spot of good news on the job search- I've been asked to fill out additional paperwork for one of the jobs I applied for. Yay!


A&M 29 Alabama 24

Sunday, November 11, 2012

WHOOOOOOP!!! Even the Corso Curse (he picked the Ags to win) couldn't keep us down. ;)

Best game I've seen in years. It was exciting and of course it was fabulous to win. So proud.

Best play of the game:

I don't always fumble, but when I do, I throw a touchdown.


Spelling Bee

Saturday, November 10, 2012

We've been yucking it up for three weeks now, wondering how I might ring the elementary school spelling bee bell when a child misspelled his word. I could be really hesitant and sweet and say, "Good job, hon'," with a delicate *tink* on the bell. I could really whack it and shout, "LOSER!"

All that time, I knew there would be four judges, and the chances of me getting to ring the bell were about zero. (Okay, 25%.)

I walked into the cafeteria for the spelling bee this week, and they immediately gave me the bell. It was the funniest. I was very polite with it, too, although it was one of those xylophone bells with a mallet, and I was constantly thinking about the scene from Grease, where Blanche gets carried away with the xylophone before Principal McGee's announcements.

Patrick's Saturday Six: J

1. J is for JAILBREAK: Would you ever jailbreak a piece of your technology to do things that weren’t supported by the manufacturer, even if it voided the warranty?
Maaaaybe, although I haven't been that desperate for a function yet. I would jailbreak it after the warranty expired. We did jailbreak some "cool" T-Mobile phone we bought at Amazon for Lauren many years ago, so she could use it at AT&T. We didn't sink much money into that though.

2. J is for JAZZ: What your favorite jazz tune?
"At Last" Etta James

3. J is for JELLY: What’s your favorite flavor of jelly?

4. J is for JET: What’s the farthest distance you’ve traveled by plane?
5500 miles, from Houston to Frankfurt

5. J is for JEWELRY: Which piece of jewelry that you own means the most to you (and why)?
my wedding ring, because of its symbolic significance

6. J is for JOURNAL: Other than your blog, do you keep a private, written journal that is truly for your eyes only?
Not since college, when Jeff read mine and I threw them all away. Before that, my junior year of high school, John read the ones I had written at that point and I tossed those. I vowed never to journal again. I should have stuck with that. So while we're discussing it--- please do not read another person's journals. It's an extreme violation of trust. If you want to read it or have an excerpt read to you, don't be afraid to ask. I happily read excerpts of my journals with various friends and boyfriends on several occasions, and they did with me as well. It was fun! There is just some stuff in a journal that isn't meant for anyone but the writer to see. That's the point of a private journal.



Thursday, November 8, 2012

I was working in the backyard, doing various things, including getting rid of the curvy brick border around my never-realized flower bed. Half the bricks were used last year when we had our front yard professionally made over by ABC Home Services (whom we have used for almost 20 years for in-home pest control, handyman services and landscaping... on the upper-middle cost side but they absolutely stand behind their work and do the best quality home services I've ever had done). They expanded the front bed with bricks from the back to match the existing front bricks, which had been weathered for the same number of years. If we had used new bricks, they would have been a different color. Smart, eh?

Anyhoo... I was pulling these remaining bricks from the border, which is embedded in the dirt. I pulled one up that was covered with ants. Amazingly, I only got four bites. We've all had chicken pox, poison ivy, etc. that covered us in itchy spots, and we make it through. I'm telling you though, these four bites are making me cRaZY!!! Yeesh, am I a wimp.

I tried Orajel on them the other night, a tip from someone online, and it worked for a bit, but it was far too sticky to be practical. I need some Lidocaine cream. Or four tiny ice packs.

I pulled the other bricks from the underground ant colony area one at a time. In incredible haste, I extracted one brick, tossed it into the grass, left the area and waited about two hours for things to settle. Then I returned to extract the next brick. Time consuming, but I didn't get any more bites.

Another mini-project I took care of was nailing a fallen fence board back up. My neighbor happened to be in his backyard while I was hammering, and came over to find out WTH I was doing chat.

Matt: Whatcha doin' there?
Me: Nailing this board back in.
Matt: Nice work.
Me: I hope I'm doing it correctly. I used a galvanized nail. Isn't that the right kind?
Matt: Yes! Good job. I'll have to tell Jeff to...

At this point I think he's going to say, "...take you out to dinner" or "...buy you something with diamonds."

He says, "...get you a Home Depot gift card!"

Ahh. Yes. Well, I do need new gutter downspout splashes!


The Morning After

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

While I can hardly rouse any excitement over four more years of Obama, I am quite relieved that the elitist and misogynous Romney is not President. I hope the Republicans and Democrats can come up with some better candidates next time. (Biden will not be that candidate, Dems. Just say no.)

Despite the current economy and the inflation we're all suffering through, Austin passed every government expenditure proposed. Not surprising. Worst one is Prop 1, a 63% Central Health tax increase (from 8 to 13 cents per $100 home value) to build a UT medical school. Many UT employees didn't vote for it because a new med school will take money away from other university departments. I didn't vote for it because you don't build something you don't need, just to get federal matching dollars (which we also pay for, thankyouverymuch). Typical government logic.

I don't need a Lamborghini. If someone said, "Hey. If you put $100,000 towards it, I'll provide 146% matching funds," I still wouldn't buy one.

The positive thing in all this is that in another week or so, we will no longer have to wade through the political madness on Facebook. Whee!


Voting Day!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lauren and I voted last week. We got these stickers:

It's a bit snarky, isn't it? It may as well have been...


It's okay though. Get out there and vote today! :-)



Four Hours of Sleep

Monday, November 5, 2012

I was up until 2:00 this morning, spending hours working on a resume, letter of interest and paper application (PAPER?) for a cool job for which I'm actually qualified and have current experience. Then I got up at 6:00 to finish the process and get it into an envelope to mail. (Did I mention... PAPER application?)

You know I'm not going to get this position, right? It will be the one I spend five minutes tossing together at the last minute. Still. I had to put in the extraordinary effort, as there is an element of *cue trumpet fanfare* Event Planning to this job. I love event planning!! Remember my wedding, where I had individual printed event notes for each wedding party member? Fun, right? I know!


I actually took time to read through a lengthy, angry political conversation this morning in the comments on a friend's Facebook photo. One guy (not a friend of mine), a very extreme Republican, was ranting on and on about "sanctimonious Independents" and how they are the reason this country is such a mess. He said Independents voted Obama in four years ago, and they need to take responsibility for their stupidity.

Oh brother.

Replying liberals and independents alike had this guy in a tizzy. I think some were just toying with him to see if he would implode. So funny. Sometimes people just need to take a pill.


Aggies! Wurstfest!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wurstfest! I've lived here for almost 23 years and had never been. So yesterday, we went with Scott 'n Julie. It is mostly a German food festival, really. Arrive hungry. Most everything we tried was great. There was a lot of musical entertainment, and we particularly enjoyed our lunch at a picnic table along the river. Beautiful setting. Gorgeous weather. There was a lot of beer, too, of course. Best of all, like Halloween (or any Tuesday night), it's a great excuse to wear a slutty dirndl.

The Aggies beat Mississippi State yesterday while we were in New Braunfels, receiving live updates from our child. WHOOP! (We also watched the whole thing on DVR when we got home.) A&M is currently #2 in the SEC West behind 'Bama. The Ags are getting some of the best sports press ever this season. Very, very exciting. Onward to Tuscaloosa!!

Patrick's Saturday Six: I

1. I is for ICEBOX: What’s your favorite food that’s in your refrigerator right now?
Slovacek sausage. My all-time favorite sausage is actually the sage version of Meyer's Elgin Sausage, but HEB stopped carrying it a few years ago and I haven't seen it around town. (Gotta get out to Elgin. It's seriously worth the trip.) The sausage is going into jambalaya this week, although I typically cook it with Salt Lick sauce and add mac-n-cheese and fresh fruit for a quick supper.

2. I is for INANE: Of the television shows you watch regularly, which would you call the dumbest?
The Bachelor

3. I is for INCOME: Do you think the wealthy should receive enough breaks to pay a lower tax rate than the middle class?
Absolutely not. A flat percentage is the fairest way to levy an income tax. Get rid of the bulk of the IRS and charge a 15% flat tax on all forms of income for everyone. The first X thousand dollars per person in a household are exempt from taxes. No deductions.

4. I is for INEDIBLE: What’s your least favorite vegetable?

5. I is for INJURY: What’s the worst injury you’ve suffered in your life?
This is the first time I've realized that although I've had three life-threatening illnesses, I have never had a serious injury! Woo!! The worst was stepping on a nail sticking up through a construction 2x4 that I was walking on. I was five. It made a huge hole and almost went through the top of my foot.  At the time, I was profoundly afraid of needles, so the tetanus shot was almost worse for me than stepping on the nail.

6. I is for INK: Which color ink do you prefer to write with?


Saturday 9

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gig 'em Ags! BTHO Mississippi State!

Saturday 9: Key Largo

1) This song was inspired by the Bogart/Bacall movie of the same name. Do you have a favorite Humphrey Bogart film? Which one?
As wildly into film as I am, I have actually watched very few old, black and white movies. I think the only Bogart movie I've ever seen is Casablanca.

2) Where do you rent movies? (Netflix, Redbox, OnDemand, etc.)
Amazon, Redbox, OnDemand... whoever has what we want. Netflix never streams movies we want to see, so we cancelled it.

3) Have you ever been to the Florida Keys?
Yes! We were in Key West on a cruise in AUGUST. Never go to the Keys in August. There is no air conditioning in most buildings. It is heatstroke hot and 1000% humidity. We want to go back over Christmas some year, when it's cool and the houses are decorated.

4) According to government statistics, more than half the people who currently live in Florida were born in another state. Were you born in the state where you currently live?

5) To be honest, Crazy Sam really hates this week's featured song. (Hear it here.) Do you like it? Loathe it? Or are you unfamiliar with it? 
I hate it.

6) Local authorities in a suburb of Sydney blasted Barry Manilow songs into a neighborhood park to keep "hooligans" away after dark. Is there an artist or song that would make you run in the other direction?
Norah Jones

7) Two of the most common fears are going to the dentist and speaking in public. Do either of those really get under your skin?
Going to the dentist isn't any big deal to me. Public speaking is fine, as long as I'm confident in what I'm talking about. If not, I get very nervous.

8) We're having burgers. What do you want on yours?
mayo, grilled onions, sautéed mushrooms

9) Here's your chance to do a shameless plug -- What charity or cause do you wish got more support?
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society


Early Voting Ends Today

Friday, November 2, 2012

I sure hope Mickey Mouse is ready to step up as President in January, with as many write-in votes as I've heard he is getting. Pretty good, considering a campaign budget of zero and his undeniably extreme stance on election reform.

I have discovered via social media this year that there are far more closet Republicans than closet Democrats. At some point, Republicans started appearing from out of the woodwork. The few I knew about had vowed to leave their politics outside Facebook and Twitter... until they got fed up with the partisan bickering and/or the voices of the loud Dems, and started posting their own daily articles/statuses/cartoons/jokes. So there ya' go. Who knew? Now it makes more sense that the race is running neck and neck, while it always seemed to me like Obama had it in the bag.

Early voting ends today. Voting Day is next Tuesday. Even if you decide to abstain from the presidential vote, remember there are many local items on your ballot. Vote vote vote!

(Austonians--- vote NO on Prop 1.)

LOL xkcd


Post-Halloween Wrap Up

Thursday, November 1, 2012

We didn't go to any parties or anything last night, but at the last minute, I decided I might be able to pull off a Lady Gaga costume to greet trick-or-treaters at the door. I have a cool lilac wig, big sunglasses and red lipstick. If that isn't the beginning of a Lady Gaga outfit, I don't know what is.

I told Cathy I wished I had a meat dress. I did have a skirt steak, so all I really needed was a shirt.


Man, I should have taken pictures of the outfits I tried on with my wig, glasses and lipstick- every imaginable combination from a cocktail dress and high heels, to an all-black ensemble, to a throw-in-the-towel (OH! just a towel- that would have been awesome) pajamas with big fuzzy slippers and a cigarette hanging out of my mouth (for the "Gaga at home" look).

Nothing wowed me though, so I answered the door as me... with red lipstick, because I only own that color in the 24-hour long-wearing version.

Only 100 kids showed up, instead of the normal 150. Did someone set up traffic cones at the entrance to the street or something? And what am I left with? A bag and a half of Airheads. I had never tried one before, but I got curious when the kids were so excited to get them.

They are nasty. Just. Eww.

How am I supposed to pawn those off on the guys at Jeff's office?

I had two favorite trick-or-treaters this year:

1) a toddler who tried to come into my house when I opened the door. It reminded me of Lauren's first Halloween with her friend Niki. Those two tiny girlies tried to go into every house, too. When you knock and someone opens the door, you walk in. I get it!
2) a two-year-old boy dressed as a pumpkin who, instead of saying "trick or treat" when I opened the door, said "CANDYYYYYY!!!" (to the horror of his embarrassed tween brother- priceless)

Related side note-- Lauren and I watched American Horror Story late last night. This week's episode was scary as all get-out! Holy crapcakes. I was actually screaming at one point.


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