There are a lot of social issues I'd love to speak on here in my own little forum, but since it appears as of late that I disagree with pretty much everyone on every side, I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.
I think the only thing we all have in common these days is that we're exceedingly unhappy about the state of things. At least that's a start to changing them!
HEB is a hero of Hurricane Harvey. They kept their stores open in the area if at all possible, reconfigured their entire supply chain to handle varying needs across the state, provide food and water, money, and continue to collect donations at the checkout stands- and probably a whole lot of other things I haven't mentioned as well. Bravo!
Sunday Stealing: Back to School
1. What kind of school did you attend (Big? Small? Public? Private? Specialty? One-room schoolhouse?)
I went to a large, public high school. My graduating class had 600+ students (we started with 680 my freshman year). I thought I knew every one of them at least by name or face, but Facebook has proven me wrong.
2. What did you wear to school (uniform? dress code? Whatever you wanted?)
We had a dress code, but we could wear whatever we wanted within those guidelines. The year after we graduated, they started allowing shorts! It was the 80's, so I usually wore pants with nice tops, or dresses, but some days I wore jeans and concert or school t-shirts. Here is a sample of what teenage girls looked like when I was in high school (not my photo):
3. How did you get to school?
I rode the bus, except for days here and there when I drove my mom to work, took her car for the day and picked her up after work.
4. Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
My faves were:
Mrs. Lofland, my Biology teacher. She was a brilliant, beautiful Southern lady, a wonderful resource for anything from science questions to relationship advice. I was her student aide my senior year.
Mrs. Jameson, my Journalism teacher. She's still there, running the newspaper! She is a funny, caring, generous teacher who managed a large group of us with just the right amount of freedom and constraint.
Mrs. Garner, my sophomore English teacher. Oh man, she was hilarious. Her reactions to our class's cut ups and shenanigans was the BEST. So many of my inside jokes with Kimberly are from that class and continue today.
Ms. Lee, my Physics teacher. She was the JETS and NHS sponsor, and spent a lot of time helping me decide what type of engineering I should go into.
5. What was your favorite subject? Why?
Biology, particularly zoology. I've always been interested in how the body works. It's amazing.
6. What was your least favorite subject? Why?
History and Geography. I just didn't see the value of studying it in any sort of detail, much less over and over again. Today, I appreciate it much more and have a curiosity about how things evolved from their origins to be as they are today.
7. Did you belong to any clubs?
I was Vice President of the Latin Club. I was on the newspaper staff as a sports reporter and then as advertising manager. I was in Best of Sophomore Sweethearts (BOSS), which was a spirit group who sat together and did stuff in the stands at football games and pep rallies. I was in Junior Engineering Technical Society. Seniors Only Club- I can't even remember what the heck that was, but it says so in my yearbook, so it must be true. Jr. Advisory Council- I'll have to check with Kimberly on that one, too.
8. Were you a picky reader?
I guess so. I read a lot, but I didn't just read any old thing.
9. What did you do in your free time?
Hung out with friends at the beach, downtown Houston, Baybrook Mall, each others' houses, at the movies, concerts, etc.
10. Did you get good grades?
11. Did you like/participate in sports?
Love watching sports. I didn't play sports in high school. I mostly went to football games, but went to swimming, basketball, volleyball and other games as well.
12. Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school?
Two- John (a junior) my sophomore year and Evans (a junior) my senior year
13. When did you get your driver’s license?
the day I turned 16 of course!
14. What kind of kid were you? (Popular? Class clown? Shy? A nerd? Teacher’s pet?)
Nerd-ish, but not part of the nerd crowd
per se. Nerd-adjacent.
15. Who were your heroes?
Ronald Reagan, Prince, Peter Jennings
16. Were you ever bullied?
17. Did you learn how to touch type?
Yes! Kimberly and I took a night class.
18. Who was your best friend? (Are you still friends today?)
Cathy and Kimberly. We're still friends!
19. What is one thing you regret about high school?
I do regret not appreciating history. Also, there was this supposed limit on AP classes, which I observed, but others (KathyL coughcough) did not, which kept me from being Valedictorian (there were 6 tied) or Salutatorian (2 tied). They weren't supposed to count the extra grade points from AP classes over the limit, but they did for the rankings. I would take more AP classes to get my darn ranking.
20. What were you most proud about?
Being in the senior musical. SO fun! Everyone loved the show.