Laura and Kathy Show: The Economic Crisis

Friday, September 26, 2008

Laura and I discussed politics and the economy at length last night. Usually we have these issues figured out in about 15 minutes, but the current state of affairs is, quite frankly, a bit overwhelming for our little show. I told her I want to be psyched about Obama, but because of all the politics-as-usual bickering and side-stepping by both candidates, voting for the lesser of two evils is all I can muster for the moment. She said she would make me a t-shirt that says, "Obama. At least he's not Sarah Palin." LOL. Yeah, wouldn't she love to see me in a Democrat t-shirt.

And speaking of the Laura and Kathy Show, I apologize for not posting the rest of the "Hotties Of..." series. Someone *cough* never got back to me with commentary on our Hotties of the Gay Community. And we couldn't find any Hotties of the Republican Party or Hotties of High Tech. Bummer!

A meme from Sunday Stealing

Have you ever…

1. gone on a blind date? a couple, yes. neither of them good.

2. skipped school? once on Senior Skip Day

3. watched someone die? yes

4. been on a plane? yes

5. been on the opposite side of your country? yes

6. swam in the ocean? yes bajillions of times

7. had your booze taken away by the cops? yes at Bonfire

8. lettered in high school sport? I lettered in Journalism, where I was the Sports reporter for a year. Does that count?

9. cried yourself to sleep? yes

10. played cops and robbers? yes

11. sung karaoke? no I've never let myself get intoxicated enough

12. paid for a meal with coins only? yes

13. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes too many times

14. cheated on an exam? once, in fourth grade, and the girl gave me the wrong capital of North Carolina. She was FROM North Carolina! Yeesh.

15. made prank phone calls? yes

16. laughed until some sort of beverage came out of your nose? no

17. caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes

18. written a letter to Santa Claus? yes

19. watched the sunrise with someone you care about? yes

20. been kissed under the mistletoe? yes

21. ever been arrested? no

22. gone ice skating? yes

23. been skinny dipping outdoors? no. is there indoor skinny dipping?

24. had a nickname? yes, a few

25. been on TV? yes, when I met Gordie Howe in third grade


Anonymous,  September 26, 2008 at 4:27 PM  

I do not recall being asked about the Hotties of the Gay community...but I have started my the top is Rachel Maddow!!!!LOVE HER!!!

1) no
2) yes
3) yes
4) yes
5) yes
6) yes
7) no
8) does band count? then, yes
9) yes
10) yes
11) yes...bui it was the drive-thru
12) yes
13) yes
14) yes
15) yes
16) no
17) yes
18) yes
19) yes
20) no
21) no
22) yes
23) yes
24) no
25) yes

Kathy September 26, 2008 at 10:17 PM  

Band totally counts. I'll email you our fave gay guys list if I can remember who was on it!

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