Two Kimberly Stories

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Since she was here, I was just thinking of these:

First there was the high school boyfriend from another school, with whom she had gone out for like a month, when she asked him how many D's were in his name (Todd). He said, "None. It's T-Y." Ha! Again an issue with the Texas drawl. Ty = Tah which somewhat sounds like Todd. But for a month? Ahaha. She about died.

The other is how when we were 16 and 17, we worked together as hostesses at Gallaghers. The waiters (playfully... I think) called the hostesses "Door Whores" or "Do' Ho's." Our senior year of high school, Kimberly and I played in the annual Powder Puff football game, where we plastered "DOHO 1" and "DOHO 2" on the back of our jerseys. The faculty didn't raise an eyebrow. Nor did our parents. Hilarious. I'm pretty sure we told our moms it stood for "Door Hostess." Surely they didn't fall for that!


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