Free Tips and Advice Day
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
And worth every penny, thankyouverymuch.
First, Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner. It did not clean our dirty shower over several days like the commercial said, but once we started with a clean shower, it has now kept it clean for over a month. Pretty great, I think!
Charge 25 cents a piece to pick up clothing your children leave on their bedroom floor. This works better than the old "if it's not in the hamper, it doesn't get washed" deal. Kids have all sorts of ingenious methods for "freshening up" dirty, wrinkled clothes. Especially male children.
At 20 minutes past the hour, the current diagnosis on House is incorrect. Correct diagnoses are only made in the last ten minutes. Usually the last five. Speaking of medical shows, George Clooney is going to be on the ER finale. Slightly irrelevant. Just wanted to mention it.
If you eat a lot of rice, get a rice cooker. I was given a Zojirushi Japanese one (thank you, Melissa- they run about $100), which according to the sushi chef who taught our class, is the best out there. Whichever model you choose, it is so easy and the rice is always perfect. If you want to cook brown rice, you'll need the one that does brown rice specifically. I had a Rival rice cooker from Target ($15), and it didn't work very well, but I never took too seriously the part about rinsing the rice first. Let me tell you, that is a kitchen disaster waiting to happen.
If you use a rice cooker, always rinse the rice first.
And finally, from the gag reel of last night's episode of Scrubs:
Never marry a German. They have monkey feet.
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