Saturday 9

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday 9: The First Apartment

1. Describe your first apartment.
A garage apartment in my grandparents' house in College Station. It was a true apartment, separate from the house and with its own entrance.

2. Where had you moved from?
League City, TX

3. How old were you when you had your apartment?

4. Did you have roommates? If yes, tell us more.
No roommates.

5. What was your place of employment then?
I was a student.

6. How were your finances at the time?
Very very tight, but I am a pretty frugal person by nature, so it was fine.

7. Tell us about a lover who spent a night there.
Nosy Saturday Nine this week. No comment. :p

8. Tell us about a band you listened to then. (You can cheat. Look it up.)
Bangles. They were da bomb.

9. How long did you live there and why did you move from there?
Lived there four years of undergrad. That was my grandparents' "deal" for free rent. I moved out to another apartment when I started grad school.


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