Happy Inauguration Day!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I am thrilled that we'll have a new President today! Can't wait to watch the ceremony. Zonia is actually in Washington DC to participate in some of the festivities. How exciting!
Loved Mrs. Biden's slip yesterday that Biden was offered a choice between Secretary of State and VP. He turned 18 shades of red. It really was his fault that she had to explain, because he said it was the better choice for his family, and then Oprah had to ask what he meant by that. I also love that Obama's people say he was only offered VP. That statement was made no doubt at Mrs. Clinton's request. Bwahaha.
And finally, in reference to my AC dream the other day, Laura said, "No offense, but if we were chatting on the phone and Anderson Cooper wanted to talk to me, I would hang up on you." That girl needs to learn some manners. ;)
It would only be rude if I never told you I would hang up. Honesty is the best policy.
BTW, chicks before what?
LOL. Yeah, that.
Both of you have been married too long...don't you know how to work it???
You tell Anderson..."Hold on a minute...I have Jeff Toobin on the line!!!"
Ahh! So clever. If we could get Dr. Gupta in on it as well, we'd really have somethin!
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