Driving Safety

Friday, January 30, 2009

Safest lane to drive on I-35 through downtown Austin? The MIX 94.7 morning DJs report that it is... the inside lane of the lower deck. Which I guessed correctly. *bows* Why the lower deck? Because on the upper deck, people start sight-seeing and drive out of their lanes.

I never drive I-35 through Austin unless someone has a gun to my head, so it doesn't really matter much to me. Scary. Once some dorkass on the upper deck drove between me in the right lane and the car next to me in the left lane. No lie.

Downtown Dallas freeways are probably my second least favorite to drive. People drive really fast there and there are interchanges out the yang.

I would hate to drive in New York City. It's frightening enough to ride in a cab.

Speaking of cabs, Jeff and I were watching Cash Cab this weekend and we totally would have won $1800.


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