Happy 2009!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Whale, Nancy (haha)... New Year's Eve day was a bummer-and-a-half. Warning to the queasy (like me): This story is way gross.
I stepped on a sewing needle on the carpet. Not one of those pip-squeak thin ones. The giant one that sits in the middle of the group in the package. It went in at a lovely angle, and a good 2 inches. I couldn't pull it out and Jeff couldn't get it to budge with pliers. Seriously.
So up to the ER we all went. The x-rays were "impressive" according to the doctor, and the staff each got a good look over the three hours I was back there. Some more grossed out than others. It was much like an episode of "Trauma in the ER"... practically an ax through the head... for little Seton Southwest hospital anyway. It was definitely more disturbing than painful. I wasn't in any real pain.
Took the doc three pulls with pliers to finally dislodge the thing from the tendon it was stuck in. My foot was lidocained up, so no big thang. The worst part? The tetanus shot. Dude. Those things kill your arm for up to a week. Bonus though-- I am again immune to diptheria and whooping cough. Have you had a DPT booster in the last 10 years? Yeah, I had no idea either.
Hope everyone is having a terrific new year!
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