All American Rejects and a Meme
Monday, April 13, 2009
"Truth be told, I miss you. And truth be told, I'M LYING."
Dude. That is just COLD.
I love it.
Sunday Stealing for Monday
1. What is your current obsession?
Logic puzzles.
2. What’s a good coffee place?
Shockingly, I tried a mocha at McDonald's a few weeks ago and it was absolutely marvelous. Otherwise, Starbucks is my first choice. Steven says the best coffee on earth is at Dunkin Donuts. But if you go there, I'm thinking you have to get a donut, too. So... I'll take his word for it.
3. Who was the last person that you hugged?
4. Do you nap a lot?
Hardly ever.
5. Tonight, what’s for dinner?
Pork chops, roasted garlic potatoes and salad.
6. What was the last thing that you bought?
An uber-cool purse at TJ Maxx.
7. What is your favorite weather?
Sunny and 76 with a light breeze.
8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week?
Scotty might play, if not on his LJ, at least here... Let's see... He used to be a club bartender in Houston!
9. If you were given a free house that was fully furnished, where in the world would you like it to be?
On a beautiful Florida beach.
10. Name three things that you could not live without.
Friends, music and internet.
11. What would you like in your hands right now?
An iPhone. Everyone is suddenly on me to get one. September... tick tock...
12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
American Idol.
13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself?
I would have much easier hair to deal with.
14. As a child, what type of career did you want?
15. What are you missing right now?
Evidently, an iPhone. :p
16. What are you currently reading?
These questions.
17. What do you fear the most?
Having regrets.
18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently?
19. What’s your favorite book from the past year?
I'm not much of a fiction reader. I'll say Rachel Ray's latest cookbook.
20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy?
Mashed potatoes.
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