Random Monday

Monday, April 6, 2009

"House" tonight----- Oh my gawd, they killed Kutner! You bastages! Seriously. I love Kutner. What is up with that.

Katy Perry's song "Thinking of You" has me thinking... are there really women out there who are thinking about their ex while they're with a new guy? Really? Because I think that when you've moved on to the next relationship, surely you aren't still pining away for the ex. Maybe if you're playing the field or not dating at all, but with a new boyfriend, certainly you've had the closure you were looking for. Hmm.

Speaking of closure, I don't generally recommend getting relationship advice from comedians, but Steve Harvey has been promoting his new book, and he has an excellent point on the subject. He comments that women always want closure at the end of a relationship, and men will typically not give it to them. He says men are not generally great communicators and do not want to have some big final conversation with you where you hash out everything before going your separate ways. If a guy stops calling, hanging out, whatever, they are done.

You know, the only boyfriend I ever had that long-ass "final" conversation with when we broke up was Jeff. Look how that turned out. Twenty years later, he's still here... watching "House" with me and our child, although not nearly as upset as me that Kutner is dead.

And your random quote for the day from Alton Brown: "The Iron Chef has chocolate in the mesquite smoker."


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