Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I hope all of you who are celebrating Thanksgiving have safe travels and a happy day! I am very thankful for too many things to list. Most thankful for family and friends. I treasure you every day.
I'll be serving our traditional meal tomorrow. Right now, we're preparing to head to College Station for the game. Today our game guest is Lauren's friend Shannon, who will be attending A&M as a freshman next year with Lauren.
This is Lauren's first t.u. game. I think she'll be surprised how much more intense it is. And how much your head can hurt and your voice can disappear from the screaming. In a good way! It's the last match-up for the foreseeable future. GIG 'EM!
Jeff and I saw The Descendants yesterday. You know I wanted to like the film. It was just very disjointed. Several aspects of the story were introduced and then dropped, like the teenage daughter's drug and alcohol problem. And I get that she might want to have her friend Sid with her for support, but would Dad really invite a new male friend of hers to stay in their hotel room, especially on such a personal trip? That being said, Sid was great. They had him along for comic relief, but didn't have a reason for him to be there, so they just tossed him in the mix and hoped the audience wouldn't question it.
George Clooney was awesome, of course. And I usually complain that he plays himself in every single role, but this one was definitely different.
Just wanted to note that. :)
The movie could have had a better flow and left out some extraneous things, while including more about the interesting story and subplots. My guess- this film was a victim of poor editing.
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