Saturday Night Downtown
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I had a great time at the UT/Kansas State volleyball match! Only one teensy complaint. They play the fight song waaaaaaaay too much. I was a good sport and clapped along every single time, but holy cats, people--- every point?
Kidding! It was probably every other point.
After volleyball, we went to PF Changs downtown. At the end of the night there were fortune cookies. Julie happened to open hers to the side that just said "Eggplant" (then the translation in Chinese characters) to which Jeff and Scott added... "in bed." That got me giggling. Scott's fortune was "Always under-promise and over-deliver"... in bed. Bwahahaha! Great advice!
We watched "Whitney Cummings: Money Shot" on Netflix. Hilarious! Loved her thing about Cosmo articles like "Tricks for the Bedroom"... "I don't want my vagina doing tricks, like you open your legs... a bird flies out..."
We love her new sitcom, "Whitney," too! My favorite character- Roxanne. Rhea Seehorn is fabulous! SO funny.
Meet Me on Monday (I seem to be running a day ahead or, more accurately, 6 days behind)
1. Are you excited for the holidays or are you dreading them?
Excited about the holidays! But dreading Christmas shopping. I need to get my list organized.
2. Do you hit the snooze button or get right up?
I get right up.
3. Do you still have your tonsils?
Nope. I think I was five when they took them out.
4. What was the last piece of candy that you ate?
a peanut M&M about a week ago
5. Do you shop at thrift stores?
Rarely. Every once in a while I get the urge to do it. I particularly love to shop for home decor at thrift stores, because of the thrill of the hunt for a great item at a great deal. I once got a set of three small, framed prints that were unopened, in original packaging, with the $90 price tag still on them, for $4.
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