Broken Dishwasher Bluuuuues
Monday, November 28, 2011
While we were at a stop light yesterday, the guy in the car next to us actually tossed a piece of trash out his window. What kind of boor do you have to be to throw garbage out of your car onto the ground? I'm pretty sure most people stopped doing that in the mid-80's.
Our dishwasher stopped working the day before Thanksgiving. Ugh. Talk about bad timing... the week with the highest volume of dirty dishes generated. We found the one we wanted (after our typical Consumer Reports research and polling friends) at Sears, but the salespeople there are annoying and also kept trying to steer us to some Kenmore that was on sale for a few hundred dollars less than the dishwasher we wanted - a huge clue that the Kenmore had some sort of problem.
So we went to Lowe's, where we had been earlier, and asked them to price-match the one we wanted. Lowe's knocked off the $50 to match the Sears price, plus another $50! Thanks, Lowe's! PLUS it would have been delivered on Dec 16 from Sears and could be delivered as early as tomorrow from Lowe's. Huge difference, when you're hand washing everything!
Meet Me on Monday
1. I really need to clean my _________.
2. What food makes you think of Christmas?
homemade chocolate chip cookies- Mom made a metric ton of them every year and brought them to my grandparents' house in College Station, where we and Mom's four siblings and their families celebrated. (People were sleeping everywhere! Very difficult to get your great-grandma up at 4 a.m. to open juuuuust one present without waking a bunch of other folks. "Sorry I woke you, Uncle Brian... Cookie?")
3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
4. What was your first paying job?
Babysitting! Working for someone else- a brief stint doing Houston Post telephone subscription sales.
5. Have you read the Twilight series?
No, but I'm not a big fiction reader. I would probably read them if I were.
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