Monday, January 2, 2012
Every time the Cowboys are sucking (and oh, were they ever last night), my Dallas-raised husband waxes poetic about the Staubach days. Yeah yeah... Houston Oilers 4ever, baby!! Bum Phillips, Dan Pastorini, Earl Campbell.... Wooooo!!!
I forgot to mention a very important thing yesterday--- Aggie bowl win! They even kept it together through the second half. Nice job, guys! What an honor to Joey V and Coach Sherman. It was such a touching tribute for Northwestern to wear Joey's number on their helmets alongside the Ags.
I enjoyed the fun element of the "monkey on their back" the Northwestern coach had them carry around all week, even though I didn't want them to be able to rip that jersey off it! Good luck next year, Wildcats!
And who happened to be right there at the Lemon Bowl (a yellow football? come on Meineke) Car Care Bowl, being inducted into the Gridiron Legends?
That would be Bum Phillips! (And that logo is totally a lemon.)
URL Meme
In your browser's address bar, type the letter "a" and make note of the first page that comes up in the autocomplete list. Repeat for "b", "c", and the rest of the alphabet.
A- Amazon
B- Barnes & Noble
C- YouTube vid of Cats Playing Patty Cake
D- Discover Card
E- Etsy
F- Facebook
G- Google
H- The Highball
I- iStockphoto
J- a Jonestown (Lake Travis) vacation rental
K- McKinney Roughs
L- Lost at E Minor
M- MorgueFile
N- Not Too Sweet
O- BioAustin life science companies list
P- PayPal
Q- Modern Family Quotes
R- Stunt Ranch
S- Southwest Airlines
U- Uncrate
V- VectorStock
W- Austin Water Bikes
X- xkcd
Y- Yapta
Z- Z Gallerie
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