"Pow" is Totally a Word

Sunday, January 8, 2012

If Words with Friends, Bookworm and Hanging with Friends would just add the following types of words to their dictionaries, my scores would friggin' explode:

1) Spanish words
2) onomatopoeia
3) teenage slang

I'm best at Bookworm, because my wordsmith friends kill me in the other two games. Competing against myself and those burning tiles...

That's 3.6 million. It's good, but I never ask my word game buddies what their scores are, because..... Winning!

Sunday Stealing: The Never Ending Meme, Part One

1. Song that always makes you sad?
 "Rain"- Patty Griffin

2. Last thing you bought?
Fireball cinnamon whiskey

3. Last person you argued with? 
Jeff. For our San Antonio weekend, he wanted to stay on the Riverwalk, because we would have that as our accessible nighttime entertainment. While I appreciate having entertainment options in walking distance, I pointed out that we wouldn't walk the Riverwalk, because we've been there, done that a hundred times. Instead we would most likely just end up picking one nice bar to hang out for the evening and chat and people-watch. I'd rather stay somewhere with a pretty view and hang out in their bar and chat and people-watch. Winner---- me. And the Hill Country Hyatt. *applause* (Don't get too excited. He totally gave me this one.)

4. Do you put butter before putting the peanut butter on? 
Ewww. That's really over the top, eh? Although this week I saw Giada De Laurentiis mix a stick of butter into four cups of cheese to make grilled cheese sandwiches... with pancetta. Girl is turning into Paula Deen.

5. One of your stuffed animals’ names as a kid?
I can't remember my named stuffed animals. I remember my dolls' names though!

6. Did you ever at one time own a Barenaked Ladies CD?
Stunt and Rock Spectacle

7. Favorite day of the week?

8. Favorite sundae topping?
chocolate sauce and fresh nuts

9. Did you take piano lessons? 
Yep. Mom was a very talented pianist and sent me to three years of lessons. It didn't come as easy to me, but I did like playing. It must skip a generation, because Lauren picked it up in no time at all.

10. Most frequent song played?
according to iTunes- "Hide and Seek" Imogen Heap

11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?
I should probably enjoy it in secret, but I just tell everyone. The Bachelor. Love watching women get all crazy on each other about some guy they've just met.

12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey? 

13. Date someone older or younger? 
I always dated within about a year of my age, but if I had to pick... younger

14. One place you could travel right now?
Puerto Rico

15. Do you use umbrellas? 
definitely, unless I have my weather-proof jacket on and it's a very quick trip through the rain

16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem? 
Is there more than "O Canada?"

17. Favorite cheese?
We had a cheese plate last night at the Grove with a fabulous selection, and one hard cheese I really loved, but I have no idea what it was. For sandwiches at home, I usually have Havarti on hand.

18. The Smith’s or The Cure? 
The Cure

19. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes? 

20. Best job you ever had?
PPD pharmaceutical research data analyst


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