Watch Out for Facebook "Please Repost" Statuses

Thursday, January 5, 2012

There has been a Facebook status going around since the Ticker (haven't you turned that thing off yet?) began, that says:

Please do both of us a favor: Hover over my name above. In a few seconds you'll see a box that says "Subscribed". Hover over that, then go to "Comments and Likes" and unclick it. That will stop my posts and yours to me from showing up on the side bar for everyone to see, but MOST IMPORTANTLY IT LIMITS HACKERS from invading our profiles. If you repost this I will do the same for you. You'll know I've acknowledged you because if you tell me that you've done it I'll "like" it.

This is all a bunch of malarky. Here's the Snopes link. When statuses start being reposted around Facebook and use capital letters and alarmist language, be suspicious.

Also, if you don't want your friends to see your Facebook comments and likes, maybe you shouldn't be commenting and liking those things in a public setting like the web.

Kimberly hit me with the most random text yesterday...

Kimberly: Was Loverboy's "Working for the Weekend" our drill team try-out song?
Me: Yikes. Is this a pop quiz? I have no idea. Did we even try out for drill team?
Kimberly: YES! YOU MADE ME!
Me *giggling and confused, because we would never have tried out for "the sluttiest girls this side of the creek"*
Kimberly: I was SURE YOU would remember. Listen to it and get back to me.
Me: LOL. I KNOW the song. I'll say... yes. Do you remember the routine?
Kimberly: Oh, I'm doin' it here on I-90 in South Dakota. Join in anytime. No, not really. I just remember there were splits at the end I couldn't do. :p
Me: Ohhhhhhh... I remember the splits. They said we didn't have to be able to do them, but almost everyone else could. Well, now I have the song stuck in my head.
Kimberly: My work here is done. 


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