Happy New Year!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
2012 is going to be the best year ever!
I found the drinking game for Arena. It's on this page, in the comments... search for "drinking game."
Today's "Year-In-Review meme" was shamelessly gacked from LJ:
Find your first entry for each month of 2011. Post the first line of each, and that's your "Year In Review."
2011 in Review
Had a fabulous time out with the Jeffs last night at McCormick and Schmick's, where the only two pieces of festive New Year's headwear were sported by an 8-year-old and me.
Thank you, Laura, for calling just to say, "NICE RACK!" I'm touched. *wipes tear*
Kimberly is coming down to see Tara's new baby, and I'll get to see all three of them in the next few days.
Friday I got an mail from "Old STNY," which I figured was spam from some pothead flower child, which was doubly weird because Yahoo is da bomb at screening spam.
Why is it that I buy sixteen boxes of Kleenex to stash around the house, yet when my nose starts running like a six-year-old's from all this Austin pollen, there is not a single tissue around?
Last day of work! ...for a while anyway.
Jeff and I spent the past two days touring south central Texas.
While we were on vacation I got pulled over for the first time EVER for a moving violation.
Dear PeopleWhoWearSunglassesInsidePublicBuildings,
I can't stop staring at you to make sure you aren't "someone."
Football this morning!! BTHO Arkansas.
For those who missed it, Chris singing at a World Series game...
Yesterday was pretty great!
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