Phone Bank
Saturday, February 25, 2012
And I'm back to Bethenny Ever After quotes in the sidebar. I'm nothing if not determined. She just cracks me up. And no writers! Simply unscripted reality. I'll try to stick with her PG-13 quotes, difficult though it may be.
I spent four hours doing phone bank last night for the foundation fundraiser. I LOVE doing phone bank. That's my thing! Many friends and family members have made fun of my telephone voice (it's slightly different from my everyday speaking voice... more... delicate and sweet), but I'm telling you it's pure gold. I got two people to up their donations significantly- one from a single $40 donation to a monthly $40.
We had two informal competitions going on among the phone volunteers. One was biggest single donation received. During my shift, I got the biggest donation on my row- $700. BOO-yah!
The other contest was "first to pick up." In past years, the phones have been set up for calls to roll to the next line. You waited for your own phone to ring. This year, they set it up so that everyone could answer any call, which made it a race. Everyone picked up and whoever got to it first connected. Nine out of ten times, the young and spritely back row beat our mature and laid back front row. I don't know how much Starbucks those college kids were drinking, but they were quick on the draw. Sadly, the front row lost that battle all night long. Those back row overachievers must have been lying in wait, with their hands on the receivers.
People donated $15,000 an hour while I was there. Not bad, eh?! Not that it was a contest, but... take that, noon shift!!
Seriously though, it was a very successful fundraiser and I was truly moved by the whole thing, as I always am. Many of the kids who have benefited from the organization participated. They loved telling their stories and being the honored guests. Several of their parents were manning phones or stopped by to make donations themselves. So many callers told us their stories, too- how they were donating in memory of a loved one, or after making it through their own family's crisis.
Volunteer! It makes a difference in others' lives, and your own.
Saturday 9: Da Ya Think I'm Sexy
1. When do you feel that you are at your sexiest?
When I'm wearing boots and a low cut shirt.
And pants, obviously.
2. What's your favorite magazine? Why?
Real Simple. It's 99% very short articles that provide a lot of information in a small package. The best tips and tricks and products ever.
3. What’s something you do more quickly than most people?
I learn just about anything very quickly, except basic principles of electricity.
4. When do you first remember using a computer?
I used my dad's ginormous home computer to play games when I was maybe 9-10, in the late 70's.
5. Who is the craziest person in your family?
Wild and fun crazy, or batsh*t crazy? My uncle Klaus is the wild and fun guy, with my dad a close second.
6. What one thing are you craving today?
A good Mexican martini.
7. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
hair products
8. What’s the part of your morning you least look forward to every day?
Ironically, considering my response to #7, styling my hair. It's been a constant battle since childhood.
9. What are some rules you have for yourself that don’t really make much sense?
I don't have that many hard and fast "rules" for myself, but the ones I do have make perfect sense!
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