Monday, Monday...

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Democratic analyst was angrily going on yesterday, saying "There must be something there (in Romney's old tax returns), or he would say, 'Here! Have at it!'"

Such hypocrites. This is exactly like Obama not immediately turning over his birth certificate when questions arose about it during his 2008 campaign. Incidentally, as a legal requirement of the office, proof of citizenship at birth was far more important than seeing proof that Mitt Romney is super-wealthy.

I'll just tell you... Romney is super-wealthy.

You're welcome.

I'm not voting for either of these candidates. I'm just going to complain about both of them for the next 4 months.

We saw Moonrise Kingdom yesterday. It was funny and cute. Quirky. It had an awkward, Blue Lagoon moment. (Now everyone can refer to that sort of thing as a Moonrise Kingdom moment.) I liked the film, but I wouldn't tell you to rush out and see it. Bruce Willis is one of my favorite actors. He can really bring it, no matter the role.

We just sent Lauren off to camp for the week. She is psyched! I hope she has a great time. Jeff and I are heading to Massachusetts tomorrow for a family reunion. I am beginning to feel like I live at the airport!


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