Home Again

Monday, December 28, 2009

It's nice to travel, and it's nice to come home. People always say it's great to be in your own bed, and I would agree, but I think it's even better to bathe in one's own shower. The water pressure is a certain level and you know how to get the temperature where you want it. You have your own soap and shampoo. Oh YEAH!

Random genius idea: Pedestrian OnStar. If you need to pee, you press the button and ask where the nearest bathroom is. If you fall in a pothole while crossing the street (Cathy... *wink*), it says, "I sense that you've been in an accident. Would you like me to call an ambulance?" You know you want one.

Saturday 9: Sam's Last Stand of 2009

1. What did you think of 2009?
It was a year that kind of passed by me without many significant things happening. That can be a good thing!

2. What do you think was the news story of the year?
The death of Michael Jackson. I was not a fan of the man himself, but a huge fan of his older music. Whatever we thought of him, I think everyone was really shocked at his untimely death.

3. What happened this year that you never want to hear another word about?
The untimely death of Michael Jackson.

4. What was your favorite song of 2009?
"Smile" by Uncle Kracker

5. What did you accomplish this year?
Finally remodeled the master bathroom after years of whining about its sad state.

6. Did you learn anything new this year?
I learned how to make sushi. :)

7. What are you looking forward to in the new year?

8. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
I think we're staying home and hanging out. Doing the food and drink thing, etc. Lauren may have friends over.

9. What's the best thing you ever did on a New Year's Eve?
Twice we went to the NYE party at the Hyatt on Town Lake with friends. SO FUN! It includes a room, so it's really nice not to have to designate a driver, or drive home with the drinkers out.


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