Saturday Six
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The link for "Sing Off" that I posted yesterday has a video of some group performance with all the singing groups together. It was awful! The individual groups were great when featured on the television commercial. So I hope the show is good. Eh.
This newest bunch of commentary on the Tiger Woods mess is irritating the crap out of me. Several news outlets are saying we expect too much from celebrities, sports figures, politicians. That we expect them to be superhuman, perfect people. Um, since when does a man have to be superhuman to keep from sleeping with countless skeezes? Superhuman. Seriously? That's quite a slam against the male population.
If sports figures or politicians want/need the public to respect and adore them, they must hold themselves to at least an average standard of morality. I'm talking about the very basics of being faithful to your significant other, avoiding illegal activities, etc. It ain't that hard. The vast majority of people do it every day. If they choose not to, that is their right, but people are going to talk and some are going to change their opinion of the person. If you're a public figure, that may affect your livelihood.
And don't even get me started on this pile of BS that he is a "sex addict." *eye roll*
I am happy to note that these things are being said by various news people and not by Tiger Woods himself, who I think has finally gotten the PR right by staying out of the public eye right now.
One other thing that disturbs me is the very notion that they should renegotiate their pre-nup. He would actually pay her to stay with him? And she might accept? That is sad. Leave or stay because you want to, not because you were paid off. That may be the norm in those circles, but to me, it makes them both look shallow. It's a marriage, not a corporation.
Saturday Six
1. Who was the last person you had an in-depth conversation with?
2. Would you prefer to talk to this person face to face, by phone, or by internet chat?
Well she doesn't internet chat, so that's off the table right away. Face-to-face. That's how I prefer to talk to anyone, especially if we are having a serious conversation.
3. In a group setting, are you happier listening to a conversation or leading it?
Well, here again, if I don't know anyone in the group, I prefer listening. If I know even just one person, I like to lead! Every time I write this down, it seems weirder and weirder. :)
4. How often would you say that listening to other people’s opinions in a conversation actually changes your own?
20% of the time I would say I am at least newly aware of some aspect of the differing view, maybe 10% of the time it actually reshapes my opinion in some way. I can almost always appreciate points of the other side's view, even if I don't share that view.
5. Take the quiz: Do You Talk Too Much?
You Don't Talk Too Much
You have mastered the art of conversation. You understand that listening is as important as talking.
Like anyone else, you think that the things you have to say are important and interesting. You just know that not everyone is interested in hearing them. You wait your turn, speak your piece, and quickly turn the conversation back to your partner.You may choose your words carefully, but people consider you to be more of a brilliant conversationalist than some chatty know-it-all!
6. Have you ever had a telephone conversation in which you or the other party actually asked to hang up first?
Like "Hey, let me hang up first"? Can't say that I have.
Woohoo .... we had an in-depth conversation. I bet it was deep too, as they usually are.
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