Quotable Kiddo

Thursday, July 7, 2011

At 6:30 last night, I got a phone call from my web guy at the Foundation's national office. I thought, Isn't it awesome that he works for a non-profit and hangs out so late? Now that's dedica-... Oh yeah. It's 4:30 where he is.


While Lauren was going through all her things to pare down for this major redecorating of her room, she unearthed the journal I kept with stories and quotes from when she was a toddler and pre-schooler. Some cute ones---

Introduced Jeff to a little girl she met at a party as "my friend, Daddy."

(when I was climbing the stairs with an armload of toys) "You've got too many toys and not too many arms!"

Me: Those are shower caps.
Lauren: No, they're head caps.

(in the car) "Mommy, you're so tall! Your legs go all the way to the floor!"

"My tummy has a headache."

(got our new kitty- Spanky)
Laura: Do you feed him?
Lauren: No. He eats all by himself.

Me: How do you like your new shampoo?
Lauren: It smells like apricots, but it tastes like soap.

Me: If someone got accidentally got bug spray in their mouth, they would call that phone number (Poison Control) to get help.
Lauren: Bugs don't have a number to call.

"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy happy-face stickers!"

(after shaking salad dressing) "My arm is dizzy!"

"When I grow up, I want to be a chef, a veterinarian or a worker at Chuck E. Cheese."

Me (to Mom): Lauren is learning the breast stroke in swimming lessons.
Lauren (laughing): Silly Mommy! It's the BREATH stroke.

Lauren: Is N'Sync a Christian group?
Me: No.
Lauren: Oh. Are they Jewish?

And my favorite...
Me: Do you want to wear cotton panties or satin panties today?
Lauren: The cotton panties keep my butt in place better.


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