Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Something has occurred to me that doesn't seem to have crossed the minds of anyone in the entire field of archaeology. (Or probably I just need to Google it.)
Why are ancient civilizations and fossils buried underground?
One would imagine that old buildings and dead stuff are either still sitting here decaying before our eyes or altogether gone, replaced by new stuff. But no. Much of the time, they have to dig for it.
I think that instead of worrying about global warming or wayward asteeeroids, we should be concerned that six gajillion cubic tons of dirt is going to fall upon us.
Just saying.
In current news... Casey Anthony is found not guilty. Ridiculous! Bella Vita indeed, eh Casey? Where do they find these stupid sucker juries? Very reminiscent of the OJ trial, only this time I purposely avoided spending time watching the proceedings, because I had a sick feeling this is how it would end.
See sediment or sedimentary rock.
Ahh. Thanks! :)
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