Blog Titles and Sunday Stealing
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Since I'm really free-form in my blog entries most of the time, I struggle to encompass the penetrating scope of my posts in a single title. Well, I came across a Yahoo News headline that just did away with journalistic tradition and listed the random topics, without apology:
Senior Citizens Accidentally Become Web Sensations and A Lost Colorado Cat Found In New York
Bravo, Yahoo. Bravo.
Sunday Stealing: The Lower 40 Meme, Part Two
21) Have you ever flown a kite?
I've flown tons of kites.
22) Do you wish on your fallen lashes?
Um, no. Am I supposed to?
23) Do you consider yourself successful?
That particular term is associated with career success. I don't think anyone is considered a "successful mom" or a "successful volunteer." When I was working in my career, I considered myself very successful.
24) When was the last time that you made an obscene phone call?
I've never made an obscene phone call to someone I didn't know.
25) Have you ever asked for a pony?
No. I asked for a monkey several times though.
26) Plans for tomorrow?
None yet.
27) Can you juggle?
I can juggle two bean bags or about 32 to-do list items.
28) Missing someone now?
29) When was the last time you told someone "I love you"?
Friday, on the phone. Hey, I've been sick! :p
30) And truly meant it?
Ha. Friday.
31) How often do you drink alcohol?
maybe once a week
32) How are you feeling today?
I am on day 3 of a bad cold, so better but not great.
33) Have you every tried to write a meme?
34) Have you ever been fired from a job?
35) What are you looking forward to?
Erasure concert this Friday night!
36) Have you ever crawled through a window?
A few times.
37) What's the most recent bad meal that you had to endure?
I made jambalaya the other night and the shrimp was an icky, weird texture. I wanted to order takeout or something, but we just ate it. Blech.
38) Can you handle the truth?
Oh yes.
39) Who's to blame for what's going on?
George Bush of course
40) What will it take to fix it all up?
OU needs to make the move to PAC-10.
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