Tuesday Stuff
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
It's too bad Kimberly and Gib don't still live here in Austin. They have a really great life in Wyoming, so I guess it all works out, but I still miss them!
At some point in our conversation yesterday, Kimberly was joking around, suggesting people to whom we could sell or give our extra Aggie football ticket(s), for games we can't all attend for whatever reason. She said since the people are sitting with you, you have to like them. She started listing names of people we know from high school and college... and hot male celebrities. One of them was Matthew McConaughey (hot male celeb, not someone we know... also a Texas grad unlikely to appreciate attending an A&M game).
So then I dreamed last night that Matthew McConaughey had invited Kimberly and me to visit him. He lived in a very modest but nice, enclosed house in the very center of the Kemah Bridge. You had to walk up the middle of the bridge to get to it. I won't bore you with the details of our lovely chat and house tour, but thanks for the nudge to the subconscious, Kimberly.
Watched the Bachelor Pad finale last night. Did anyone else get the feeling that at least some of the Blake/Holly/Michael love triangle thing with the bonus engagement "surprise" was fake? Blake and Holly forever? Really? I mean, of course they like each other, but getting married so soon and to someone you barely know, who slept with someone he didn't even like just to form an alliance? Michael had an odd reaction to their engagement announcement, too. It was just all very strange. Michael was so depressed moments before he and Holly won, and then was dancing around. $125,000 wouldn't make me happy after just finding out that my recent ex-fiancée is secretly engaged to my nemesis.
Don't get me wrong, $125,000 would definitely HELP. I just don't think I would be dancing. :)
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