Rambling Sunday
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11. I was with a bunch of elementary school moms when it all went down. We were so worried planes were going to fall from skies across the country and that perhaps they might target schools. (Mom worry, of course.) The district asked on TV that we leave our children at school, where they were safe. Most people (myself included) did. I had to figure out what to say at the end of the day when my then 2nd grader came out to meet me to walk home. The teachers had done a fantastic job of explaining to them in age-appropriate ways what had happened. Lauren was concerned, but not too much, and I was so grateful for the teachers' calm and loving help and guidance for the kids, when we were all so confused ourselves, as adults.
It's amazing how the feelings from that day come right back when we see the video of the planes hitting the towers, isn't it? That same stomach-clenching, sickening feeling watching plane #2, knowing it won't stop, but holding out impossible hope it will this time.
One lasting thing I hate about the whole 9/11 situation is that it has ruined the day for many positive and wonderful activities. The high school wanted to hold a carnival-like fundraising event last year on September 11, but it just didn't seem right to do it that day. People have their birthdays on September 11, but everyone sort of cringes when they hear the date. I honestly wonder how many parents are in hospitals today, praying their baby holds out until midnight to be born on the 12th. Over time, I hope we can embrace the day as one to celebrate life and freedom, to honor those who lost their lives in the tragedy.
So we're back from a whirlwind trip to Dallas. We dropped Lauren off in Stephenville at Tarleton State University to visit a friend. Then Jeff and I had dinner in Granbury and spent Friday night and Saturday at the in-laws before making the trip home and picking up Lauren on the way.
J's parents had a family friend with an overnight layover in Dallas staying the night Friday night as well. He's such an interesting guy! He's lived all over the world and has had some really unusual life experiences. American Airlines (usually my fave) couldn't manage to get a plane without some sort of mechanical problem to take him and his colleagues to Miami yesterday. They may still be at the DFW airport this morning!
We were watching Pawn Stars late last night and some guy brought in an Abraham Lincoln election ribbon. Corey asked Rick why Mr. Lincoln didn't have a beard in the photo on the ribbon.
Rick: Well, he originally didn't have a beard. The story goes that a little girl wrote a letter to Lincoln and told him he would look more distinctive if he grew a beard. I don't know if that's true or not.
Me (to Jeff): Of course it's true. He looks much more distinctive with the beard!
So yeah, Rick meant he didn't know if the story was true or not. Heh.
Sunday Stealing: The Lower 40 Meme, Part One
1) Who is the last person you high-fived?
The football gang (Lauren, Cathy and Jeff) at the A&M vs. SMU game last weekend.
2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
Nope. I would be in the fetal position, quivering in a puddle of my own tears.
3) Do you sleep with the TV on?
Very rarely, and only when I'm sleeping alone. Even then, I'll eventually turn it off during the night. I don't sleep well at all with it on.
4) Have you ever drunk milk straight out of the carton?
Maybe a few times when I lived by myself and it was the very last swig of milk in the carton.
5) Have you ever won a spelling bee?
No. Thanks for reminding me! F-O-R-T-R-E-S-S. Fortress. That's the word I lost on when I came in second place in fifth grade.
6) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Once, when I was a kid. I was swinging barefoot in my friend's backyard. I jumped out of the swing- wheeee! - right onto a bee in some clover. It stung the bottom of my foot. I was also stung on my hand by a wasp that was on the underside of a doorknob when I was in second grade. Those are my only stings.
7) How fast can you type?
I can type really fast when I'm creating the text myself. Transcribing something from a written page, I am OK, but not anywhere near as quick.
8) Are you afraid of the dark?
Every now and then.
9) Eye color:
10) Have you ever made out at a drive-in?
No, I've only been to drive-ins with my parents and with Cathy. But I'm totally adding that to the bucket list.
There's a funny story there. Cathy and I decided at some point that it would be a rite of passage to see a rated X movie at the Red Bluff Drive-In in Pasadena as soon as we both turned 17. (Oh man, that says a lot about us, doesn't it?) So we did. Well, as many things do when we are involved, it turned out to be a total giggle-fest. We sat there through the entire double-feature with our candy and sodas, mocking the movies Mystery-Science-Theater-3000-style.
11) When was the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
About four months ago. I rarely do the bath thing. We have a hot tub, so if I want to relax, I choose that over the bath.
12) Do you knock on wood?
13) Do you floss daily?
Not every day.
15) Can you hula hoop?
16) Are you good at keeping secrets?
Very. Got something you wanna tell me?
17) What do you want for Christmas?
Well, I still don't have a Z4.
18) Do you know the Muffin Man?
No, but I hear his wife's a tart.
19) Do you talk in your sleep?
Exceedingly rarely. Cathy is the only one with a story about me talking in my sleep.
20) Who wrote the book of love?
Probably Nicholas Sparks.
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