Facebook Family Drama
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Dear PeopleWhoWearSunglassesInsidePublicBuildings,
I can't stop staring at you to make sure you aren't "someone."
I'm not sure which of us is more lame.
<3 Me
New game from one you probably already own: Play charades with your Apples to Apples red cards! Some of them aren't usable, but most are. It's fun! We played last night. :)
So... just when I'm all connected to the long-lost part of my family overseas, they play out a huge family drama on Facebook, in front of the whole world. My brother and his wife have been divorced since their kids were 5-6. He and his girls (now adults) have been in little contact since then, but they recently became Facebook friends.
My brother asked my niece about the glasses she was wearing in her profile photo and she said she's had them for years. Then my other niece came in and screamed at him that he should have known that. Then my brother's ex-wife jumped in and made a speech, then random friends started commenting... It all got out of hand and it looks like the girls defriended him.
My brother sent me a message and apologized about the scene and said he would tell me the whole story sometime. I'm just sorry to see anyone have a strained relationship with their children. I hope in time they can forgive him for whatever it was that happened. Until then, I guess they won't be keeping up on Facebook!
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