Daughtry Single and Album
Thursday, April 30, 2009
From the Official Daughtry Blog, the new single "No Surprise" will be performed live for the first time on AI next Wednesday, May 6. The album drop date is July 14!
From the Official Daughtry Blog, the new single "No Surprise" will be performed live for the first time on AI next Wednesday, May 6. The album drop date is July 14!
The other night, whilst innocently browsing through a few friends' Facebook pages that I check now and then (since the new new Facebook took the interesting stories out of the newsfeed), I went from web surfer to web stalker.
See, I clicked a friend link on someone's page, which surprisingly let me view the guy's profile, because he happens to be in a network I'm in. Then I sorta checked his photos because we went to school together and his name has always sounded familiar. Somehow (??) I ended up on his info page which led to his blog where I read a bunch of amusing entries and then was intrigued enough to check out the "about me" section. In that section, he had links to a whole 20-page long account of the story of how he and his wife met and got together. Awwwwwwwwwww.... I love that!
By the way, it turns out I don't know him at all. (Well, 'til now. Heh.)
I think it's a fab idea to write up your personal love story. If I do it, it may be a He Said/She Said sort of deal, because Jeff has a somewhat different recollection of things. And not just because it's been 20 years. He had a different take on it from day 1. LOL
Our TV is out, so we're kinda not watching much right now. I just caught Kris' "The Way You Look Tonight" performance from last night's Idol. Oh. My. Gosh. What a performance. Fantastic voice. One of the best songs ever written.
Allison rocked her song, too.
That is all. :)
I added some lyrics, cuz lyrics are my "thing," but you don't have to...
Of all time, what is your choice for the following:
1. Happiest Song
Accidentally In Love, Counting Crows
I surrender to the strawberry ice cream
Never-ever end of all this love
2. Saddest Song
Rain, Patty Griffin
Strange how hard it rains now
Rows and rows of big dark clouds
When I'm holding on underneath this shroud
3. Best Love Song
Come What May, Nicole Kidman And Ewan McGregor
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss...
4. Best Breakup Song
You'll Think of Me, Keith Urban
Take your records, take your freedom
Take your memories, I don't need 'em
5. Sexiest Song
Feelin' Love, Paula Cole
You make me feel like I wanna be a dumb blonde
In a centerfold
(It's the only line from the song I can note in this public forum.)
6. Most Poignant Tear-Jerker
I Hope You Dance, Lee Ann Womack
I hope you still feel small
When you stand beside the ocean
7. Best Social/Political Song
Sunday Bloody Sunday, U2
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart
8. Current Favorite Song
You Found Me, The Fray
I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
This is traveling FB, but I'm posting it here, because I'm determined to get Scotty to participate.
1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
Cable. Stupid Time Warner.
2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?
3. What do you really want to be doing right now?
Playing in the big blue ocean in Hawaii.
4. How many colleges did you attend?
Two. Full time at A&M, and I did summer classes twice at San Jac.
5. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now?
It's not as low cut as the first one I had on. While bending and stretching at the grocery store, I've learned one must be careful with one's exposure on HEB day.
6. What are your thoughts on gas prices?
Don't even get me started on the oil companies and how greedy they are. Seriously. Prices are ok for the moment.
7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
Time to get up... already?
8. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
Trying to figure out whether to fix or replace our living room TV. It's sad that we'll have to watch Idol on the little television this week.
9. Do you miss being a child?
10. What errand/chore do you despise?
11. Get up early or sleep in?
Unless I'm really tired, I prefer to get up early.
12. Have you found real love yet?
More than once.
13. Favorite lunch meat?
14. What do you get every time you go into Wal-Mart?
I am rarely at Walmart, so let's talk Target. Every time I go to Target, I get whatever I'm there for, plus about $50 worth of miscellaneous stuff I didn't need.
15. Beach or lake?
16. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
Not at all. I think it's invaluable to have a person you share your life with, to whom you honor a commitment to stick together no matter what life throws your way.
17. Sopranos or Desperate Housewives?
Grey's Anatomy.
18. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
George Clooney.
19. Have you ever crashed your vehicle?
A deer crashed into ME once.
20. Ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
Nope. And, pray tell, what else would I use it for?
21. Ring tone?
Retro phone ring.
22. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
I don't know what this means. LOL.
23. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
24. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship?
25. How old are you?
Just turned 42
26. Do you have a go-to person?
I have various go-to people, depending on what kind of support or expertise I need.
27. Are you where you want to be in life?
For the moment.
28. Growing up, what were your favorite cartoons?
Bugs Bunny
29. What about you do you think has changed the most?
Not a lot. I like to think I'm smarter in the ways of the world.
30. Looking back at high school were they the best years of your life?
Nope. They were great though.
31. Are there times u still feel like a kid?
Sometimes. If I'm in total awe of something or if I am not completely confident about something.
32. Did you ever own troll dolls?
33. Did you have a pager?
Never did.
34. Where was the hang out spot when you were a teenager?
That dead end of Bay Area Blvd. off Nasa Rd. 1.... wait that was the make-out spot... Hang out spots- Baybrook Mall, Bal Harbor Yacht Club, Countryside Park
35. Were you the type of kid you would want your children to hang out with?
Well, yes. Most of the time anyway.
36. Who do you think impacted your life the most?
My mom.
37. Was there a teacher or authority figure that stood out for you?
Dr. Poston
38. Do you tell stories that start with “when I was your age”?
Angel and I frequently share the same thoughts. And a truly shocking number of similar life experiences... but I digress.
So, David Cook's "Daily Anthem"-- the last part, where he sings:
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
instead of
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
I know she totally notices how very cool it is that he leaves out the anticipated "whoa." (Right? Right? I knew it! :p)
Game night was great this weekend. We played a very old board game called Acquire. It was really fun! It's buying shares in businesses, merging companies and such. At one point Scott was talking about starting a new company on his next turn. I said, "The Scott K Paper Company?" fully expecting it to whiz by everyone in the room. But everyone started laughing and Bruce said, "Like the Michael Scott Paper Company?" Ahhhh... other Office fans. Gotta love it.
The Aztex game rocked. And since they're still new in town, there's a lot of access, up-close to the players, etc. Their mascot is a red pepper... Sergeant Pepper. Hehe. Fun night out!
The movie Earth was good. My favorite part was the mating dances of the birds of paradise. SO cute! Those birds are breathtakingly beautiful. The behind-the-scenes footage at the end was interesting. That polar bear getting a little close... eek! Good movie, but I wouldn't say better than March of the Penguins.
Not sure if this will translate in written form, but I'm always up for a writing challenge...
Recently we were out to eat and Lauren ordered corn as a side. Each entree and side arrived on its own plate at this restaurant. The waiter announced each dish as he placed it on the table. "Ribeye with such-and-so sauce... cowboy filet with some-sorta tasty rub... cinnamon sweet potato a la somethin'-or-other... etc."
The last was Lauren's corn and he set it down, saying, "Corn." Then, in perfect unison and completely randomly, she and I both said in exactly the same bellowing monotone... "Corn."
Oh man. We laughed forever about it. Heck we laughed about it again last night. Talk about being on the same obscure wavelength!
Saturday 9: A Little Less Conversation
1. If you could have just one more conversation with a person from your past, who would it be?
My Grandma Lee.
2. Do your friends tend to be male or female?
3. What is in your car’s trunk?
reusable grocery bags that I always forget to use, emergency tire inflater, umbrella, first aid kit, booster cables
4. What was the last CD that you purchased?
Rare that I purchase a whole CD these days, but it was Kelly Clarkson's All I Ever Wanted
5. What is your favorite movie and why?
Princess Bride. It's hilarious and smart and all-around entertaining, for all ages.
6. If you could wake up with a new talent tomorrow, what would it be?
I've always wanted to be able to draw well.
7. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Thursday. There's still a day left to get work things done, but close enough to the weekend to be looking ahead to it.
8. What are you wearing when you feel you’re at your best?
What I would call "sophisticated casual." Like jeans and a nice top.
9. When was the last time you cried?
I can't remember. Recently, but at least several weeks ago.
Last night on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, he said, "Today is Administrative Professionals Day. It used to be called Secretaries Day, but now it's all PC. It's like Thanksgiving used to be called 'Just Cook My Dinner, B****.' Now it's called Thanksgiving."
So. Funny.
TGIF and all that. Busy weekend for me, which is great because it keeps me off the streets. And off the net.
Lauren is trying out for fall guard this afternoon. She is so excited to be a "vet" instead of a "newbie" now. Everyone gets into fall guard, this is the tryouts for who will make the football halftime show or be an alternate. She's got nothing to worry about, but I'm sure it's nerve-wracking nonetheless.
Game night tonight. Tomorrow night is the Aztex vs. Cleveland game at Nelson field. I am excited about that! We have great seats.
Well... I have had one software casualty from upgrading to Vista. The downloaded version of Paint Shop Pro X2 sometimes does not activate with Vista. After a couple of days chatting with Corel technical support, I had to take their deal for X2 Ultimate (which is Vista certified) at a substantial discount. They are mailing a disk, which will not require activation. Yeesh, what a pain it has been!
Last night, after my shower, I went into Lauren's room to get a CD. She immediately started giggling. "Your hair!" she laughed. She doesn't see me often right after I dry my hair and before I straighten it. I told her it was my Diana Ross hair, and started belting out "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."
Yep. That's pretty accurate.
I love Annie Duke! I have enjoyed her on Celebrity Apprentice since day 1 this season. She is one strong, smart lady. The only time I think she screwed up was when she overreacted to Natalie Gulbis trying to get Annie's rival to donate against her in this week's jewelry task. Sorry, but that was brilliant, and Annie should have totally appreciated the cleverness of the attempt.
The way Joan is treating Annie is reprehensible. Calling her Hitler? What is up with that? I have no idea why Joan and Melissa get so goshdarn enraged about stuff. Cool your jets, ladies. It's a game. And it's for charity.
As an unrelated but necessary comment: OMG. Why didn't anyone tell me about this?
Adam Rodriguez. Evidently from CSI Miami. Saw him on TMZ yesterday. Holy bajeebers... so cute!
Don't let it get away....
Life is fabulous! Having a fantastic week so far and I hope all my friends are as well. :D
Notes and thoughts for Tuesday:
1) I really need bigger boobs to properly fill out the shirt I'm wearing.
2) Am I the only person who ALWAYS forgets her grocery bags in the car at HEB?
3) New computers rock.
4) New keyboards take a while to get used to.
5) Scotty. Alive and well. Check.
6) Rebuilding iTunes playlists is a tedious task.
7) Someone I know has a job interview today. Someone else is going for a promotion. Hoping for the best for both.
8) Did I mention it's a beautiful day?
I am posting this in the hopes that even one person can avoid the day of research we spent figuring out this bug.
In the end, this is a WinPatrol issue with Windows Vista Home Premium.
In an application, when viewing the file browser, the open file dialog box, whatever you wish to call it, Vista reported that the app was not responding and would be shut down. This was for all applications I was running, from iTunes, to my calendar software CalendarScope, to Office programs- Word, Excel, etc. I had no problem viewing files in Windows Explorer, only in apps when looking to open a file. All apps would crash.
I noticed that uninstalling and then reinstalling things would sometimes make it work again. Installing new software would bring it back across all apps. Of course WinPatrol is involved and popping up during all installations. Finally, I accidentally opened a file in Word before WinPatrol had started when I rebooted. It opened fine, but then when WinPatrol opened, I could no longer open a file without Word crashing. All other apps were affected as well.
Disabled WinPatrol and all was right with the world. Try it!
Avenue Q was good last night. It wasn't my favorite show, but it was cute. Super-talented actors with the puppets and all. It was the story and music that were just "alright" for me. My favorite characters were the Bad Idea Bears. ROFL. "Maybe you should hang yourself!! Look! We found this rope!" They were hilarious.
And the new PC. Eeeeeeee!!! It's better than a new car, I tell ya'. This thing is ten times faster than my old one. My internet browsers aren't hanging on me anymore. I am really liking Vista. Shock of all shocks. Actually, the people I've chatted with about it also love Vista. Lauren has had it on her computer for a while, and she likes it, too.
A media keyboard came with the PC. My old one was an internet keyboard, but I think I'll get more bang for the buck from a media one now. I'm still learning all the buttons.
Also still learning all the Vista stuff and Office 2007. It's very different from whatever version it was that I was using before.
So... YAY!
Delta sent me an email yesterday that due to schedule changes there, they have rescheduled our flights for South Carolina this summer. I saw that one new flight looked suspiciously like... a small plane. The 2.5 hour flight from Atlanta to Austin. Lovely.
I haven't always been skiddish about flying in small aircraft. As a teen, I loved flying, and had flown to and from Europe, a couple of times by myself. I had an absolute blast riding in a 4-seat Cessna over DFW once.
Today, I consider myself a mostly-recovered nervous flier.
The fear began very suddenly the day after I got married, when the plane left the airport gate, headed to Cancun for our honeymoon. Something just came over me, and before I knew it, I was crying and desperately fighting off a very ominous "impending freak-out" feeling. It went that way most of the trip. I just KNEW I had conquered cancer only to tragically crash into the Gulf of Mexico on my honeymoon. Yes, my life was a movie-of-the-week.
After Cancun, I kept flying, because they say that's how you get over it. And I have for the most part. We have continued to fly at least once a year. Take-off is now my only nervous time, and even that is completely bearable.
BUT... I haven't stepped foot on a small plane since a 20-passenger American Eagle flight from Dallas to College Station twenty years ago. That was awful. So noisy and bumpy. And that's when I was cool as a cucumber about the whole flying thing.
So the plane to which they had switched us was a Canadair 900, a 90-seat, 4-across model. Puddle jumper city! Okay, not a puddle jumper, but still. Also, that aircraft is owned and operated by another airline I've never heard of.
I called Delta and told them that I wasn't comfortable flying on it and they switched us to another flight. Now we're on a 737 from Savannah to Atlanta and an MD88 from Atlanta to Austin. Yay! I have to say they were very nice and didn't make a fuss about it at all. Thank you, Delta. I'm usually a Southwest girl, and I really appreciate good customer service. A+.
Oh good- not much brain power required for this one. I'm all out today!
Friday Five
Name your favorite food from each food group:
1. Bread (Grain) Group: cilantro lime rice
2. Meat (Protein) Group: ribeye steak
3. Vegetable Group: fried okra
4. Fruit Group: watermelon
5. Sugars, Fats and Oils: extra virgin olive oil
Chris pointed me to a San Antonio Express-News article from April 15 that is reporting Time Warner will now begin internet usage monitoring in Austin and SA in October, with consumption-based billing beginning in January. Originally billing was to begin this summer. Then it was moved to September. Now January. Maybe it'll inch its way to never.
Lauren is one of two people in her Spanish II class to win a Foreign Language Award for "outstanding academic performance and commitment to language study." *wild applause* Muy bien!
Had lunch with Melissa N yesterday. Always fun. She has re-motivated me to pursue my bathroom remodel.
You guys should really clean out your computer files. I promise, there is very interesting stuff on your hard drive that you've totally forgotten.
Just thinking more about Time Warner's tiered billing (see previous post)... If I have to really pay attention to what I'm downloading and viewing on the net, I will do two things:
1) Turn off ads and avoid ad-heavy sites that manage to bypass my adblocker.
I am not paying for advertisers to serve me unsolicited ads. It's exactly like telephone solicitors calling my cellphone and using my minutes. On the other side of that, what does this do to websites out there (like mine) who rely on advertising to pay for the site? If all the services go to this tiered billing, which it seems may be happening, I think at least graphic ads will be a thing of the past. Most adblockers block text ads as well, so what happens there? Webmaster creativity will be a requirement. I'm thinking "product placement"... a link here and there within the content, to advertisers' sites. That would be awful. You'd never want to click a link for fear it's an ad.
2) Limit my viewing of high bandwidth websites.
That's a big one. Your fancy Flash site is not going to be in my bookmarks. Got a lot of graphics and other bandwidth hogs on your page? I'm not going there either. Some websites I've created are designed with bandwidth in mind, for loading speed. Even on those, I have several graphics I might remove, so my readers aren't put off by watching their kbytes tick away. And I'll go to RSS to get news, rather than the website itself.
Ick. I think the web will quickly become a very boring, textual landscape. All in the name of enormous profits for internet service providers.
Congressman Eric Massa of New York, where Rochester is another trial city, brings up some great additional points here. Perhaps his proposed legislation will stop this in its tracks.
I was briefly moved to consider joining Twitter this morning when I found out Chris Daughtry is now on there. I just cannot add another mode of communication to my arsenal at this point. But cool nonetheless...
Anyway... starting with the September-ish bills, Austin is one of 4 cities where Time Warner is testing "tiered cap billing" for internet. Plans will likely range from 1GB to 100GB per month, with $1 per GB overage fee. Blech! Even those with Price Lock may be subject to overage fees. Thinking DSL? AT&T is testing it as well, in Beaumont.
The thing that gets me the most is all the covering up that seems to be going on with the process at TW. Several journalists have contacted the company and are getting various replies from different people there. Are employees uninformed? Lying? What is the deal.
I run 3 websites. I'm an avid internet user as well. I don't have a clue how much bandwidth I use per month, but it is on the high side. I also have a teenager and a computer guy in my house. Between the 3 of us, we're toast. Can't wait to find out what plan I need to be on and how much it will cost. And you can bet I will be running adblockers to prevent ads from using MY bandwidth.
Read a great article about it at Network Performance Daily, including an interview with Alex Dudley, VP of Public Relations at Time Warner Cable:
Time Warner Brings Tiered Caps to Austin
I've spent my stimulus package tax refund money on a desperately needed new computer. We're migrating my old PC this weekend, so I'm cleaning out files and figuring out what needs to move, etc. In the dust, I found some of my old LJ icons... these are a few of the ones I made-- Guh. Basketball never looked so good. This was the year of his good hair.
Yeah, I used this a lot.
It had to be done.
Ahahahaa. From an exchange with his work girlfriend on CNN.
Finally I've seen on a news show what I imagined all along. Texas is one of a few states not in a recession. People around here are always looking for bargains at stores and cheaper food at restaurants, but all we've seen is crowded malls and no sales, and new higher-priced menus in the crowded restaurants. Seriously. It's been really strange.
The worst store of all is one of my favorites, Kohls, whose prices have increased a LOT. And it used to be everything there was on sale, but now it's only certain things.
Here's a money tip from me. If you're good with credit cards, and religiously pay off your bill each month, definitely get a cashback card. We get several hundred dollars a year back from Discover, just by putting everything possible on there. We charge monthly bills to it and purchase everything with it. We've even put a car down payment on it once! Cha-ching. We pay it off every single month, never letting a balance remain. With Discover, you can get even more back by getting the cash reward in the form of gift cards to places you shop. Then you get an additional 10-20% or so.
"Truth be told, I miss you. And truth be told, I'M LYING."
Dude. That is just COLD.
I love it.
Sunday Stealing for Monday
1. What is your current obsession?
Logic puzzles.
2. What’s a good coffee place?
Shockingly, I tried a mocha at McDonald's a few weeks ago and it was absolutely marvelous. Otherwise, Starbucks is my first choice. Steven says the best coffee on earth is at Dunkin Donuts. But if you go there, I'm thinking you have to get a donut, too. So... I'll take his word for it.
3. Who was the last person that you hugged?
4. Do you nap a lot?
Hardly ever.
5. Tonight, what’s for dinner?
Pork chops, roasted garlic potatoes and salad.
6. What was the last thing that you bought?
An uber-cool purse at TJ Maxx.
7. What is your favorite weather?
Sunny and 76 with a light breeze.
8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week?
Scotty might play, if not on his LJ, at least here... Let's see... He used to be a club bartender in Houston!
9. If you were given a free house that was fully furnished, where in the world would you like it to be?
On a beautiful Florida beach.
10. Name three things that you could not live without.
Friends, music and internet.
11. What would you like in your hands right now?
An iPhone. Everyone is suddenly on me to get one. September... tick tock...
12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
American Idol.
13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself?
I would have much easier hair to deal with.
14. As a child, what type of career did you want?
15. What are you missing right now?
Evidently, an iPhone. :p
16. What are you currently reading?
These questions.
17. What do you fear the most?
Having regrets.
18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently?
19. What’s your favorite book from the past year?
I'm not much of a fiction reader. I'll say Rachel Ray's latest cookbook.
20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy?
Mashed potatoes.
1. Has someone ever sung a song to you? Guys have sung along with songs we were dancing to. Does that count?
2. Do you play Sudoku? Sometimes.
3. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive? No way.
4. Do you like hot or cold weather more? Hot.
5. Would you get plastic surgery? Sure.
6. Who do you text the most? Cathy
7. What color are your eyes? Green
8. How tall are you? 5’4
9. Would you pretend to like something to please your partner? For a fleeting subject, yes. If it’s something I’ll have to encounter on an ongoing or long-term basis, no.
10. How long does it take you in the shower? How long does what take me? Haha. I guess it takes 5-8 minutes of water time.
11. Do you watch reality TV? Yes.
12. Last sporting event attended? A&M volleyball vs. Colorado in November.
13. Was your mom a cheerleader? Nah. My mom was in the Glee Club.
14. Were you a planned pregnancy for your parents? No. But she says they were already engaged at the time.
15. How old was your mom when she gave birth to you? 22
16. What do you buy at the movies? Depends. Sometimes not a thing. Sometimes popcorn and Dasani.
17. Do you know how to play poker? Yes.
18. Do you wear your seatbelt? Of course.
19. What do you wear to sleep? Depends. Sometimes not a thing. Sometimes a short night gown or PJs. lol.
20. Is your tongue pierced? Ack. No.
21. Do you like Liver and Onions? I haven’t tried it.
22. What is your favorite sushi? Spider roll.
23. Do you like funny or serious people better? Funny.
24. Ever been to Hollywood? No. I’d love to go.
25. Who is on your mind right now? Jeff’s aunt Kathryn is battling breast cancer, and I’m wondering how she’s holding up.
26. Last party attended? Wayne’s crawfish boil
27. Ever go to a theme or costume party? Quite a few. The most memorable was a Pimp and Hooker party. Jeff and I went to a Matrix costume party once. That was cool.
28. Are you easy to get along with? Very.
29. What is your favorite time of day? Bedtime. Not the going to sleep part, but the post-shower hanging out in bed watching TV or reading, etc.
30. Are you a generally happy person? Yes. :)
Awesome concert last night at The Parish! His band ROCKED, too. Did I mention how freakin' adorable Gavin is? We were talking about it though, the guy has to have had the worst girlfriends ever. Many of his songs are about sucky relationships. lol. Awwww. We managed to accidentally catch him outside when we left, as he got into his bus. Very nice guy, talked to several fans.
And a clip...
This is so creative! I can't describe it, so you'll just have to click over and see for yourselves at AllFacebook.
Right this way...
So Kal Penn left "House" to pursue a career in presidential PR. Interesting!
My Facebook status the other day was "Kathy is the new high school PTSA webmaster." I got an email notification that Laura had commented on it.
Her comment was, "I don't care what her title is, I will still call her a b*tch."
I was both appalled and amused.
I clicked the link and went over to reply with something equally feisty, and I found that she was commenting on a much earlier status- "I wonder if Luann de Lesseps can still be called 'The Countess' since she is separated from the Count."
ROFL. Well okay then.
"House" tonight----- Oh my gawd, they killed Kutner! You bastages! Seriously. I love Kutner. What is up with that.
Katy Perry's song "Thinking of You" has me thinking... are there really women out there who are thinking about their ex while they're with a new guy? Really? Because I think that when you've moved on to the next relationship, surely you aren't still pining away for the ex. Maybe if you're playing the field or not dating at all, but with a new boyfriend, certainly you've had the closure you were looking for. Hmm.
Speaking of closure, I don't generally recommend getting relationship advice from comedians, but Steve Harvey has been promoting his new book, and he has an excellent point on the subject. He comments that women always want closure at the end of a relationship, and men will typically not give it to them. He says men are not generally great communicators and do not want to have some big final conversation with you where you hash out everything before going your separate ways. If a guy stops calling, hanging out, whatever, they are done.
You know, the only boyfriend I ever had that long-ass "final" conversation with when we broke up was Jeff. Look how that turned out. Twenty years later, he's still here... watching "House" with me and our child, although not nearly as upset as me that Kutner is dead.
And your random quote for the day from Alton Brown: "The Iron Chef has chocolate in the mesquite smoker."
Had a fun weekend in Houston with my second family! I haven't been to a party with a beer bong in a million years, but I was at one on Saturday. 'Twas a blast. 50 people and about 200 pounds of crawfish. No, I did not, nor have I ever drank/drunk from a beer bong. But Cath's mom did. Too funny!! I am waiting impatiently for pics to show up on Facebook.
Hopefully there are no pictures of me after my hair went "Houston" on me. Y'all know what that is--- when it becomes a virtual puffball from the humidity. There is a great thing about high humidity though. Your skin feels fantastic! You can't get that in a bottle.
And other pressing observations... Are the Obamas taller than every world leader? Why didn't I notice how freakishly tall they were before?
p.s. for today...
I have located the bluebonnets! They are between Bastrop and Houston on I-10 and on 290. Bajillions.
My aunt was telling me yesterday that my 14-year-old cousin seems to think it is uncool to chat with his mother. She said they don't ever go out to eat anymore, because they'll sit there the whole time while she talks and he just nods and makes a noise now and then.
So I was telling Lauren about it and Lauren asked, "Is this something he'll outgrow?"
My aunt, during our conversation, had indeed asked the rhetorical question, 'Is it a phase?' So I replied to Lauren, "That's what she said! Wait. Not 'That's what SHE said.' That's what she SAID."
Then we both about peed our pants giggling.
I haven't watched this season, although I get frequent, unsolicited updates from friends and passers-by. I just love the word passers-by. It's kinda like points-of-view. Mothers-in-law.
What was I saying?
Ah. Real Housewives of New York. I caught up last night, in the wake of the real-life announcement that LuAnn and the Count have separated.
I used to hate Alex, but the new girl, Kelly, has got her beat by a loooooong mile. O. M. G. She is hideous. Not her looks- she's cute and all- but her personality sucks rocks. She is arrogant and mean, and while constantly suggesting that others are acting childish, she is the most immature woman on that show. Of course, those traits will get more viewers. That's the kind of behavior we're looking for there, right?
And I cannot believe how many down and dirty arguments these people have at parties. Parties? Come on. Even I, without looking in my Emily Post book, know that one should not air her grievances during a party. I did, however, LOVE Bethenny during her public meeting with Kelly. She was perfect. So calm while Kelly ranted on like a lunatic.
Bethenny and Jill are my favorites.
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