Gaga Mini-Review, Etc.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lady Gaga was fantastic! It was much like a Prince concert- amazing music coupled with a very extravagant visual production. I have to admit, it was better than the three awesome Prince concerts I've been to over the decades. The dancers are incredible. The costumes and effects, stunning. The girl may be controversial, but I think even many who despise her persona would concede she has a beautiful voice and a hell of a lot of talent in the songwriting department.
I really like her new song "You and I." Very country/rock. Do not miss her fabulous voice at the end!
I dreamed last night that six of my high school friends kidnapped me from a CRO investigator's meeting I was attending and drove me around to restaurants and tourist spots in San Juan. The friends looked like they did in high school.
Okay then.
Saturday 9: The Sun Rising
1. When was the last time that you watched a sunrise? Who were you with?
I watch the sun rise most days when no one else is up yet. :)
2. If President Obama promised he'd do one thing you asked, what would you ask him to do?
Re-energize to again project the strength and steadfastness that got him elected. He seems very disenchanted and uninterested the last year or so.
3. What is one experience that has strengthened your character the most so far?
Becoming a parent. Deja vu. I think I just answered this.
4. What is the first thing that you usually do after completing Saturday 9?
go downstairs and have breakfast. That's what I usually do after blogging.
5. Tell us about someone either in your life or in the blogosphere that you think is extremely funny.
The Bloggess! She just has a sense of humor that is right up my alley. Seeing funny stuff in the everyday.
6. Where was the last bed that you slept in that was not your own?
at the hotel Friday night in Dallas
7. Have you ever been too drunk to remember anything?
Not remembering anything when you're drunk is a myth. You remember everything that happened. You may have been embarrassed by some things, but don't play the "I can't remember" card.
8. Have you ever licked something to clean it?
No, I don't lick anything for cleaning purposes. If it's dirty, I'm not putting my tongue on it. I have, however, licked my finger and rubbed something to clean it.
9. Who, outside of family or a S/O, has influenced your life the most?
Among my friends and teachers, there are so many. Probably my high school physics teacher, who introduced me to engineering and fostered my interest in it. That not only determined my college major, which affected all sorts of things in my life to this day, but also instilled in me the general drive to be whatever I want to be, regardless of gender roles and other people's desires or expectations.
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