High School Reunion Day
Saturday, July 17, 2010
It's reuuuuuuuunion daaaaay!!!! Over just the past week, I've successfully coerced convinced a few people to attend, so I am very happy about that. We have a BFFs' dinner planned before the event tonight, and also brunch for Sunday morning... should we be awake... or still awake...
Saturday 9: Love Hurts
1. Tell us about the last time that you got hurt in the arena of love.
Jeff loves when I tell this story. (Note my sarcastic font.) He and I had dated for 12 months when we returned to school after winter break at home (he in Dallas and I in Houston) our junior year. He called me over to his apartment and told me he'd gone out with someone at home over break, and thought we should split up because we were too young to limit ourselves to just dating each other.
2. Have you ever been part of a wedding party, other than your own?
I was invited to be a bridesmaid and maid of honor at two friends' weddings while I was in college, but I wasn't able to attend either ceremony. I was a bridesmaid in KathyL's wedding in Nashville.
3. Let's say you find yourself in Hell after you die. Think about everyone you've known in your life. Who would be the one person that would least likely to surprise you by being in Hell with you?
If I go to Hell, Laura is going with me.
4. What brings you good luck?
Thinking positive. It's a self-fulfilling sort of thing, I think.
5. Do you have a photo blog? If so, feel free to share the link with us!
Sure. Are you 18 or over, with a credit card? ;)
6. What is your biggest source of news? (Internet? Newspaper? Television? Radio? The Daily Show? Other?)
7. What's the hottest you've ever been in your life?
We went downtown with friends one night when I was about 24, and I wore this great Lara Croft sort of outfit with these fabulous black boots.. oh you mean temperature hot. I think when our neighborhood flooded during Tropical Storm Claudette. It was hot anyway, and all of us were wet, like drowned rats, because we'd waded out into the water to get into the rescue boats. We had to ride buses to the Red Cross shelter, and it was positively sweltering.
8. If you had to choose a theme song for your blog, which would you choose and why?
Well, the blog title is from Duran Duran's "New Religion," so I have to go with that. The lyrics are delightfully random, too, which is fitting.
...I'm talking for free
I can't stop myself
It's a new religion...
9. Who was the last person you had an online conversation with that you've never met or talked to on your phone?
Eva :)
Bahahaha @ question #5.
The Lara Croft outfit does sound really hot though!
By the way, have you been by my LJ lately? There's music and pictures ;-)
(LJ open ID still not working. don't know why it's giving me issues)
Music AND pictures? Wooohooo!! I'll hop right on over now.
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