Unfollow Already!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

In a frightening display of stalkery weirdness, and/or an omen that computers are finally taking over the world, I un-followed someone on Twitter, but they continue to show up in my updates. Go. Away.

Thursday Thunks

1. Billy Mays died about a year ago. What kitchen gadgets have you bought that you've used less than three times?
infrared thermometer gun that I begged for. It only tells you surface temp. What's the point of that?
jar opener- I can usually strong arm those things.
pancake batter bowl- Sure, Pampered Chef... Suck people in with awesome tools like the chopper, then sell them a ridiculous batter bowl to go with it.

2. What celebrity would you like to shake some sense into, and why?
John Gosselin. He had the entire fanbase of their show on his side in the beginning and then ruined it by becoming a royal douchebag. Now we're all left to deal with Kate on an ongoing basis.

3. Jimmy Buffett just did a concert to benefit the victims of the Gulf. Name a Buffett song that you like.
"Come Monday"

4. How did you feel about Ringo Starr turning 70?
He did? That sounds about right.

5. What sport do you absolutely see no point in watching?
I used to say golf, but I've actually seen some really exciting golf in the past couple of years, so... I'll say sculling.

6. Trivia time. Do you know the first names of the French twins?
I don't even know what that refers to.

7. You are in the best seafood restaurant in Canada. What type of meat do you order?
I'm all sorts of confused on this question. Why are we in Canada? If I'm at a seafood place, why am I ordering meat? Fine. Pork chop. They probably won't have the best steak there.

8. How far would an electric car have to go without a recharge before you'd buy one?
200 miles

9. Did you see that a high court ruled that you can swear on regular TV? What word can you just not wait to hear?
The C word. I'm on the edge of my seat.

10. You are in the finest steak and rib joint in Kimberville (Arizona). What seafood dish do you order?
Okay. I see where we're going now. I would never order seafood at a fine steak and rib joint. For the sake of survey participation, I would order popcorn shrimp. It's fairly foolproof.

11. What was the last concert that you attended that really sucked?
Craig Morgan when he opened for Carrie Underwood. I was in physical pain listening to that twangy country. Just the vague memory makes me nauseous. About 90% of the audience loved it though. Shows how much I know.

12. What type of accent would you like to have, if you were forced to change yours?


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