Kitten Issues Resolving

Thursday, September 2, 2010

In a single day, Kiptyn has started eating solid food, stopped eating cat litter and began using the litter box. That's a great thing! I was worried about the little guy.

Wednesday morning, the vet declared him underweight, and said he was a somewhat concerned that he was not at the same developmental stage as his sister (eating solid food and being litter trained). Additionally, since he's really bony thin (under all that fur- see below for pics), eating clay litter can indicate anemia or other diseases. The vet told me that our number one priority for him is to get him eating and have him gain a significant amount of weight over the next three weeks.

Sunday and Monday, he ate nothing at all. I thought he was just nervous about his new environment and being away from mom and the siblings. Late Monday and all day Tuesday, he ate kitten formula and then hard food saturated to mush with formula, but he's too big to get enough nutrients from that. He would not touch the first dish of canned food I gave him Wednesday, until I poured formula over it. But... the next dish, he devoured completely, sans formula, and also ate Maya's leftovers from her dish.

Also at the vet's recommendation, we changed from clay litter to Yesterday's News, which is Purina's recycled newspaper pellet litter. That was to discourage him from eating it, since the texture isn't great for eating. He hasn't eaten any of it. Luckily, Maya switched with no problem. Then yesterday evening, Kiptyn used the litter box for the first time. I was so happy. Seriously. Huge sigh of relief there.


Kiptyn- 7 weeks, 1.5 lbs
Cute blue eyes!
JeffC calls him "Special K" because he's been slow on the developmental milestones.
Uh, that's been one of my nicknames since high school. *ponders* 

Maya- 7 weeks 1.5 lbs
Gorgeous! The vet called her "assertive." LOL. That, she is. She's also a sweetie.
A little size perspective.



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