Address to America's Schoolchildren
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I am disappointed how many parents feel that their children should not listen to a Presidential address to children about education. It's this way every year, no matter who has been president. This is not a state of the union address or a pimping of some program for Afghanistan. This is your President speaking to children as the leader of their country, encouraging them to stay in school. A great lesson in respecting your leaders, whether or not you agree with his stand on individual issues, or even if you think he is a total nimrod. Parents treat the principal of their school with more respect than that. No notes saying "Please excuse Little Timmy from listening to Mrs. Smith's morning announcements."
Little Timmy. lol. He's the same Little Timmy I used in an example recently, when explaining to Lauren why there are dress codes at school.
"So Little Timmy doesn't show up wearing an 'F- You' tshirt." :)
Thursday Thunks
10. What number blog post is this for you?
On this particular blog- #1309
9. You are driving down a road and your GPS says turn right, but the road has a Dead End sign. You check your GPS and according to it's map, there is a road at the end of the Dead End road that you need to turn onto. Do you follow the GPS?
Of course! If I get to the end and there isn't a road, I can always turn around. Although it's far more likely that the GPS says it's a dead end, when there IS a road there that has been added since its last update.
8. If you had a $2 bill, would you spend it?
7. When there is nobody else around and you sneeze or cough, do you cover your mouth?
6. You are a DJ at a radio station and your first guest is Bud... what is the first question you are going to ask him?
How was your vacation?
5. Have you ever stopped to help a stranger with a flat tire?
4. You get on an airplane and you find that your seat neighbor is Kimber... what do you talk about or do you ignore her completely?
We talk a little about blogging and memes. Then I read SkyMall.
3. Have you ever rode an elephant?
Yes, at some carnival when I was little.
2. Time to bitch & moan! What is your biggest complaint about your current friends on Facebook?
I don't like seeing all the game and app announcements on my feed. I just turn that game/app's announcements off. When I post MW things, I only post them to my friends who are actively playing.
1. School is back in session for all little girls and boys now. What, in your life, changes when kids go back to school?
Traffic. My daily schedule. I don't see Lauren nearly as much as in summer because she gets home from school after 5. Shopping gets much easier when school is in session, since I can do it during weekdays.
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