Sunday Stealing on Monday

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part The Last

41. What are your plans for this weekend?
Saw The American. Kept track of the untelevised A&M game. Played cards with JeffC, Scott and Julie. No big plans today yet.

42. Do you think someone might be thinking poorly about you? Why might that be?
At the moment, I don't think so.

42. What features don't you have that you would like on your cell?
omg. Don't get me started. I would like an iPhone. The features I like are capacitive touch-screen, interactive game apps that all my friends are playing, access to my music on my phone, GPS and related apps, full-featured Facebook app, flash camera with zoom... Okay I have to stop now. I can't get a phone until May 2011.

43. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?
Two-- queen size bed.

44. What are you hoping happens by the end of 2010?
Jeff gets a new car.

45. What was the last video you watched on YouTube?


46. Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone?
Like, we're a couple, but we can still date whomever else we please? No.

47. Is there something that you could never give up?
I don't think I could give up internet access. I would feel very out-of-the-loop.

48. Would you, (or did you) prefer a small, intimate wedding reception, or a big-scale, over-the-top reception?
We had a medium wedding reception, with a little over 100 people. If I were to do it again, I would do a very intimate 20-30 people, super-fun reception on a beach and play volleyball in my wedding dress.

49. What’s bothering you right now?
I'm still bothered by this whole "leave a wheelchair-bound person in a burning building" policy at work. Surely there is a well-described method for getting a disabled person down stairs in an emergency. I'm going to research that today.

50. Do you hate anyone?

51. What were you doing at 12 am last night?
Just getting into bed after having guests over.

52. Was this summer a good one? How warm was it where you live?
It was great! It was very hot, with most days over 100F since July.

52. Is the last person you kissed before your current situation mad at you?
*thinks back 21 years* Charlie is the last person I remember, although surely in the 5-6 months between him and Jeff, there was at least one date I went on, where I kissed a guy goodnight. Either way, no. Charlie has never been mad at me, and some random date doesn't remember me.

53. Can a man and woman be friends without having feelings for each other?
Yes. I have had many amazing male friends in whom I wasn't the least bit interested in a physical or romantic way. I am well aware guys say it isn't true for them, but I still believe it is, for the most part. Just because a guy would sleep with a female friend if given the green light, doesn't mean that he's actually "into her."

54. Do you think long distance relationships work? If you’ve had one, tell us about it.
In general, I think they're too fraught with uncertainty to be successful. At some point or another, because of the separation and not being able communicate in person very often, each will inevitably wonder where they stand with the other. I dated my senior year boyfriend (not even exclusively) for quite a while after I left for college. We wrote a lot of letters and talked on the phone. He came to College Station sometimes and I went to see him others. It worked well most of the time, but it was still complicated. A committed relationship would have been even more difficult.

55. Do you know why it’s called "Random Boredom"?
Do I know why what is called "Random Boredom"? Is that a band?

56. Do you think that it’s always the man’s responsibility to initiate sex?
Absolutely not.

57. Have you ever made love while you were in the same room with another couple?
No, but another couple made love in a room where I was making out with a guy. We left the room.

58. Tell us the best thing about your current or most recent S/O.
He was with me through a few life-threatening illnesses years ago. He never ran away from those emotionally and physically draining times.

59. Tell us the worst thing about your current or most recent S/O.
He doesn't like music. Seriously. Who doesn't like music??!

60. Would you write one question in today’s comments so that we could have our followers allow us to steal their questions? We’ll need at least 15.
If I can think of a fantastic one.


Eva,  September 7, 2010 at 5:43 PM  

Doesn't like music? What? Any of it?

How did you stuck with that weirdo? ;-)

I'm kidding. Please don't hit me. *ducks*

Kathy September 7, 2010 at 6:07 PM  

Yep. None of it. Well, he likes a teeny bit of about five particular artists. He is aware it is totally weird.

Funniest thing is, he hid it from me until after we were married. He says not on purpose, but I know it was so the weirdness wouldn't send me running for the hills.

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