They Don't Live Here

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The company who put in our new heating/AC system two and a half years ago has been nothing but obnoxious since our maintenance contract ended in January 2009. They have called as often as every other day for weeks at a time, and never less than once every two weeks since then, to schedule regular maintenance. I asked to be taken off their list on the very first call.

A couple of weeks into this massive harassment, I researched filing an FCC complaint. It requires a lot of paperwork, and tracking of times, dates, conversations, etc., so I decided I would ignore it and it would eventually go away. It never has.

A few days ago, Jeff suggested the next time they call, that I say, "They don't live here anymore." So yesterday, that is what I did.

In the moment, I unexpectedly used a fake voice. ROFL! Why would I do that? In case the person knew me? (Although, as many times as we've spoken, they probably all do.)

Well, I have very high hopes that it worked.

In other news- here is one of my favorite one-line lyrics. It's such a simple and lovely line, conveying a desire to forever put forth that "effortless effort" I was talking about yesterday that makes a good relationship what it is.

Or maybe it's about getting it on. Either way...

Song Lyrics du Jour

...I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind...

Train "Hey Soul Sister"

If you are interested in how your favorite songs came to be written, or just the process of songwriting in general, you have to visit the Songfacts website! It has tons of background information on songs from many genres, collected from writers' and performers' interviews and such. The site also has their own interviews with songwriters. It's really cool! I spent faaaaaar too long hanging out there.


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