Casual Friday

Friday, September 24, 2010

Actually, it's always casual here at the old blog. But feel free to dress up, if you get the urge.

Jeff had a sleep study last night and Lauren was out at the ballet for a school thing. I dorked around here without a vehicle. Blasted my music. Facebooked. Found out that if you have a twitch, like the eyelid variety, it's usually caused by a lack of sleep, not stress. Thank you Google. Did I go to sleep at a reasonable hour though? Nah.

For the first three weeks I worked, it was hot in the library, so we had the window blinds closed. Then we were showing videos the next three weeks, so they stayed dark. The librarian opened them up a few days ago, and I cannot tell you the difference it makes in the ambiance in there! We have a gorgeous view, and it is a wall of windows from my office all the way through the library. So nice!

Jeff has been watching "Battlestar Galactica" DVDs he borrowed from JeffC, since we never watched the new series. I've been catching some of about every third episode, because I can't sit for hours on end and watch something like that. (Just the memory of our Lord of the Rings Trilogy in One-Day Day gives me the heebie-jeebies.) I did spot guest star Richard Hatch immediately, which Jeff missed. HA. I wonder what happened to Dirk Benedict, also of the old series. Holy guh. So cute with his cigars. Must Google him later. Also on the show are a couple of folks from "Eureka." Anyway, it's a quality show. JeffC said he would loan me the DVDs again to watch at my own speed. Maybe when this new season of TV is over, because I can't find time to watch just the network shows I like this time of year.

I may have to go back to "Modern Family" quotes in the sidebar, because it was so hilarious this week.

The in-laws are coming in today after lunch. I wanted to take them to the Pecan Street Festival tomorrow, but it looks like Central Market's Brewtopia is more what we're looking at. I'm pushing for Pecan Street.


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