Back in the Groove

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Late morning yesterday was the first time I was really up and around doing my normal activities. Last night I actually got dressed and we ventured out to dinner. Then Cathy called and invited Jeff and me downtown to hang out with her and Kenton and another couple, who are all here from Houston for a company Christmas party this weekend. So Jeff and I drove up to the Omni and we went to Iron Cactus on Sixth Street for drinks. It's always surreal to be out after you've been sick or otherwise out of commission for several days, isn't it? It was so fun, though! Thanks CJ! It was great to get out of the house and feel like a normal person again.

Oh lovely. Patrick's meme is about Christmas shopping. Just reminding me that I still have some left to do.

Patrick's Saturday Six: Christmas Shopping

1. When do you usually buy your Christmas cards: leading up to the time to mail them or at the half-off counter the day after Christmas?
Half-off after Christmas, unless I can't find the perfect ones. Then I wait and get them next year.

2. What store do you most prefer to avoid when you shop?
I avoid the mall altogether. I know I always have to make at least one trip there, but I try very hard to have everything I need on a list when I go, so I don't have to return.

3. How likely do you buy a little something for yourself while you’re shopping for everyone else?
Rarely. Once I'm in Christmas shopping mode, I'm focused on everyone else. I'll forget to get things I actually need while I'm out.

4. You find what you consider a perfect gift for a close friend, but it costs about twice what you want to pay: would you buy it anyway?
Definitely. I am all about the perfect gift.

5. Take the quiz: Do You Spend Like a Santa or a Scrooge?
You Spend Sensibly
You love to shop for holiday presents, but you are above all a savvy shopper.
You know you don't have to spend a fortune to get the perfect gift, and you'll shop around to find the right thing at the right price.
You prefer gifts that people actually want to receive to gifts that dazzle or impress.
You hope that your gifts stand the test of time. If someone keeps your gift for years, you consider it a success!

6. How do you feel about shopping this time of year: do you dread it like a root canal or are you raring to go at every opportunity?
I enjoy it, but I wouldn't say I was raring to go at every opportunity.


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