The Sing-Off

Friday, December 10, 2010

Okay, I'm finally caught up on the new season of "The Sing-Off." They're still using that cardboard cutout of Nick Lachey as a host, when Joey Fatone is the obvious choice for that job. Nicole Schirzinger just sort of rubs me the wrong way, but I so adore and respect Ben Folds and Shawn Stockman.

I very much enjoyed seeing Nota, the winners from the first season, on Wednesday's episode. It's just too bad I am sick to death of that Black-Eyed Peas song. Love-love-LOVE when Nota adds a Latin beat somewhere in a song to make it a little bit Puerto Rico!

My faves from this season are/were On the Rocks from U of Oregon (whom I've mentioned here before), The Backbeats from USC and UCLA (or more accurately their lead singer Joanna), The Whiffenpoofs from Yale (who are already out, but nailed that Mika song on night 1) and the church group Committed from Alabama. I like Street Corner Symphony from Nashville, but the lead singer is a little wispy. His voice is really nice, but he seems timid on stage and like Ben said, he has a sadness in his persona that may be better conveyed by singing in a lower register.

Here is video of The BackBeats from night 1, singing Beyonce's "If I Were a Boy." Does Joanna rock or what?!

TGIF. Today is my last day of work before three weeks off! Christmas shopping is looming over me. Must get it done by Monday, I think. Tuesday is my surgery!


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