More Thoughts on Herbs and Such

Monday, December 13, 2010

Elaborating on yesterday's comments...

I don't like to take medicines at all. I have to be pretty darn miserable before I take even a Tylenol. I have a prescription for Percocet post-surgery, but I'm not filling it. I'm going to stick with Vicodin, and hope that I can stop taking that after day 1. Also not filling an Ambien script he gave me, because almost everyone I know who has taken it has some sort of "Ambien story" about sleep-walking/cooking/driving/etc. Scary, man.

These natural remedies that haven't been clinically tested for side effects, contraindications, efficacy and the like just give me the heebie-jeebies. However, if a trusted friend recommended some sort of... I dunno... goat testicle cream (that's MADE OF goat testicles, not FOR goat testicles... I draw the line at applying, ingesting, injecting or inhaling veterinary products) and had personally used it with success and without side effects, I would talk to Google and my doctor about it, and would be willing to try it. So you guys can be the guinea pigs on that sort of thing, and I'll be your Arnica Montana resource after this week, because I am flying by the seat of my pants on this one and taking it tomorrow. I assume my doctor has used it with most of his patients without incident.

Did I mention this stuff has to be dissolved under your tongue? Why do herbal remedies have to be so oddly administered? I'm thinking they do it on purpose to increase the mystique. It could probably easily be a pill, but they would rather tell you it has to be crushed with a mortar and pestle, and blown into your ears with a straw, all so the homeopathy dude at Central Market can impress you with its awesome Austin-y granola-ness.

I'm not totally opposed to natural remedies. I've tried a neti pot, for goodness' sake. It takes balls to pour water into your head through your nose. Just saying.

(Several treatments with the neti pot didn't do a thing for my allergies, by the way.)

I'll probably be away from the computer Tuesday and Wednesday, so enjoy your other internet haunts! I shall return with tales of sublingual Arnica Montana.

I hope. ;)


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