Double-Meme Day

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jeff gets ultimate brownie points for surprising me last night at dinner. There was a vase of roses on our table when we arrived. Melting Pot will handle that for you. Who knew? So sweet! You even get to keep them.

The last time we went to Melting Pot, we were there with Lauren and they sat us in one of their closed-off booth thingies with the sliding door, which we always thought would be so cool. Well, it isn't. The walls between the booths don't go all the way to the ceiling, so you can hear every single word from the tables on either side of you, exactly as if you were all sitting at the same table. So noisy! Not to mention you have to be careful what you say, because ten other people you don't know are listening, whether they want to or not.

I kept wanting to jump in on a conversation at the next table with something like, "Mark, you should go to NYU! They have the better film program!" Ahahahaa.

The table they had for us last night was in the back corner, a table for two (or three, if you're into that) with walls all around that went all the way to the ceiling. Cozy! Plus... flowers!

Saturday 9: Reason to Believe

1. Has anyone asked you to believe in something that called for a huge leap of faith on your part?
We once made a fairly substantial business loan to someone in a developing country as a part of a church-related project. I didn't figure we'd ever see that money again, so I guess I didn't exactly do the leap of faith thing. LOL. But the question is if someone asked me to believe in something. Jeff and his parents asked me to make that leap of faith. In the end, we did get the money back with interest. :)

2. When is the last time you moved? Why did you move?
15 years ago we moved because we wanted a bigger house in the same general area of town.

3. Malls? ..or Internet? Are you doing more online shopping this year? The polls say we are, but I'm curious about what the real people are doing.
I have yet to do most of my shopping, but the things I have gotten so far have been at local stores. If something is less expensive online, I will definitely buy it there.

4. Do you remember the first meme you participated in and if so, what was it?
I've added it at the bottom of this entry. For reference (if you look) "the board" refers to the message board of a now-defunct fansite I was running with a friend at the time.

5. If you could invent something, what would it be?
A device you could wave over someone and their physical pain would completely disappear for a certain amount of time. (Usually docs have to know whether things are still hurting, or if the pain has moved, is different, etc., so you can't remove it forever) I'd say 4 hours a pop.

6. Are you finished with your shopping? Do you still have a few things to go? What? Not even a game plan? ...or is there just one person you're having trouble finding something for?
Most of my shopping remains to be done. I have ideas for almost everyone. The in-laws are always the most difficult, because I like to give them things they can use up- tickets to events and that sort of thing- rather than items that will sit in their house.

7. What's left to do at your place (or where you are going)? Is the tree up? ...or maybe you're just happy you found the Christmas coffee mug and are calling that good?
I got out all the decorations, and we quickly decided that with two kittens we couldn't put up the tree and our precious ornaments from over the years. So we bought a small tree, which they immediately climbed and knocked over. So we won't have a tree this year. I'm going to put out some of my other decorations. Right now, I have a Santa on my mantle and that is it.

8. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid? If not, is it better or worse?
It's neither better, nor worse than I imagined. Definitely different. That's the fun of living your life- it's always a surprise what's going to happen next!

9. Tell us about something you'll miss about 2010.
2010 didn't really have anything that I won't have in 2011 as well. Bye bye, 2010!

Here is my very first meme, dated April 11, 2003:

01. Name: Kathy
02. Age: 30-something
03. DOB: April 2
04. Height: 5'4
05. Weight: Yeah.
06. Eye color: Green
07. Hair color: Auburn
08. Piercing: Ears
09. Tattoos: No way
10. Scars: tiny scratch scars from the former Cat from Hell
11. Body shape: Girly
12. Current taste in mouth: Godiva raspberry truffle (thanks hubby!)
13. Current clothing: denim capris and peasant shirt
14. Current music: The Scabs "Tarantula"
15. Current desktop: JC from BMAs, sans Tara
16. Current thought in head: How the hell does all this LJ stuff work?
17. Current IM sessions: Carrie
18. Current time: 5:29 CST
19. Current weather: 76 sunny
20. Current feeling: Scholarly. Am learning LJ technical junk.
21. Current Status: Married
22. Current location: Office chair in front of computer

~*Last Times / This Or That More Lame Questions*~
23.  Last time you smiled: Seeing my best friend Laura, who teaches at DD's  school, in a Little House on the Prairie dress for Pioneer Day this  morning
24. Last time you frowned: Ten minutes ago when I had no idea how to get back to my own journal screen
25. Last time you hugged someone: DH this morning
26.  Last time you cried: watching CNN, when the Iraqi man in Baghdad spoke  to the marine in broken English, saying he was so thankful he was free
27. Last time you laughed: reading the board about 20 minutes ago (those girls crack me up)
28. Last time you yawned: an hour ago
29. Last time you lied: truly cannot remember, probably college
30. Last time you thought of suicide: never
31. Last time you got angry: 1pm
32. Last time you ate: truffle- about 5 minutes ago
33. Last time you went potty: 1 hour ago
34. Last time you slept: til 6:15 this morning
35. You or Me: Well, since these questions refer to me as "you", what exactly does this mean? ;)
36. This or That: This
37. Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
38. Sad or Happy: happy
39. Fork or Spoon: spoon
40. Pepsi or Coke: Coke
41. Pepsi Blue or Code Red: Neither
42. Friends or Family: Friends
43. Sleeping or Eating: Eating
44. TV or Internet: Internet.
45. Condoms or The Pill: PILL. Just say no to condoms.
47. Sarcasm or Insults: Sarcasm
48. Zero or 0: 0.00
49. Cheating or Faithful: Faithful
50. Al Gore or George Bush: Is there another option?

51. Are you enjoying this quiz?: Yes, it is keeping me from boring a larger audience at the board.
52. What are you going to do after this?: Check on sick DD
53. What time is it now?: 5:39 pm
54. Say one nice thing about the person you got this from: Gropey is one of the funniest people at the board.
55. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: I have a husband.
56. Do you have any talents?: I sing. No really.
57. What was the last movie(s) you saw?: The Two Towers... again.
58. Why are you on the internet?: I am on an endless quest for information to update the fansite.
59. AIM names?: none
60. Do you smoke?: no
61. Do you do drugs?: no
64. Is this quiz too long?: no
65. Should it end here?: Unless you're expecting me to come up with additional questions- yes..


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