Chink in the Chain??!
Monday, December 20, 2010
I was reading an article about the repealing of Don't Ask Don't Tell (It's about time!) and someone referred to it as "one chink in a very long chain." That reminded me of a time Jeff was telling me something about Intel and semiconductor production in Asia, and he said this was a "chink in their armor," an idiom which I had never heard at the time. I was completely shocked and disturbed that he had used a racist term like "chink" when referring to Asian people. My jaw dropped and I said, "That is awful! Why would you say something like that?!"
He was very confused.
Sorry. I did grow up under a rock. :)
We watched The Collector last night. Oh. My. Gosh. That was one of the most gruesome and disturbing films I've ever seen. It was more bloody and gross than any of the Saw movies, mostly because it was never bordering on ridiculous. Saw is very tongue-in-cheek. The makers of those movies sit around and think up crazy crap for a psycho to do to someone- the more horrific the better. When they hit on something fantastically absurd, they high five each other and have a beer, then get to work on the drawings. This movie has the same sort of shocking, maiming human torture, but it is very realistic. It takes itself very seriously. Just, eww. I had to watch something else before I went to bed.
On the opposite end of the cinematic spectrum, I was reminded of Love Actually last night. THE best movie any and every day, but especially at Christmas. Watch it. Love it. Bring a box of tissues.
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