Non-Linear vs. Linear Thinking... SQUIRREL!
Monday, June 20, 2011
KathyL was saying she is a "non-linear" thinker. She labeled Cindy a "linear" thinker, but said Cindy's husband (whom I have not met) is not. She talked about how linear and non-linear thinkers tend to attract to each other. She explained linear thinkers stick to the problem at hand and think logically from scenario to scenario, whereas non-linear thinkers are very out-of-the-box and jump randomly from thought to thought, like, "So we could take this product line and... OOH! Something shiny!" I laughed there, but it got even funnier when she declared me a linear thinker.
Yeah, she isn't reading this blog. On that note...
I've been calling our cat Kiptyn "Kippydoodle." Cute or emasculating? Just wondering.
I had to RT this yesterday. Bethenny Frankel reported ordering milk from hotel room service for $14:
If I take a sip of $14 milk, I better have an orgasm. -- @Bethenny
Ahahaha. No. Joke.
Meet Me on Monday
1. What feature of the opposite sex do you notice first?
2. Do you talk to yourself?
No, but I do occasionally talk to my computer. Not sure which is worse.
3. What is your current relationship status?
happily married :)
4. Do you have a garden?
No, but I very much wish I did! I want a salsa garden- tomatoes, onions, peppers, cilantro... I'm not that great with plants, especially high-maintenance ones.
5. What is your favorite licorice flavor?
Isn't licorice a flavor unto itself? Black?? Someone help me here.
About Kip, since you have actually emasculated him, does the name matter so much?
So true.
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