
Saturday, June 11, 2011

JeffC was "Aragorn" at Fuddruckers yesterday. I almost spit my cherry Coke Zero across the table when they announced it over the PA. He said when the cashier had asked him for a name, he'd said, "Aragorn, son of Arathorn," but the guy said it wouldn't fit.

I dropped a fork while I was putting it into the dishwasher, and one of the tines literally impaled the top of my foot. Blood and everything. I'm just here to tell you all that despite the utensil's innocuous appearance, stabbing yourself with a fork can be surprisingly painful.

Well, I'm about to go paperless on my recipes. I've had cookbook/grocery list software (AccuChef- it's awesome!) for years, but always kept printed recipe cards for everything in a cute recipe book. I've neglected to print the last several new recipes I entered, so I've just been using the program to display the recipes on my netbook in the kitchen while I cook. It'll be a good time to get rid of the printed stuff and do that all the time, since I'm on this tree-hugging stint and all.

I know. I'm so Austin.

Meet Me on Monday

1. What is was the last piece of candy that you ate?
a miniature chocolate bar that my in-laws brought from Europe

2. Do you "read" in the bathroom?
Never have. Why do people do that? Wouldn't you rather curl up in a comfy chair and read? Unless "read" is in quotes because it is a euphemism for something. Then yes, I probably do.

3. I can't stand when someone _________?
...intentionally posts a vague Facebook status so people will have to ask WTF they're talking about.

4. Do you do daily, weekly or monthly grocery shopping?
Weekly. But I have to get produce twice a week, because the quality is so awful these days. I also have to get bread twice a week since I started buying real bread at the deli instead of the mass-produced stuff.


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