Separate iCloud and Shared iTunes Store
Saturday, October 15, 2011
OK. The iCloud threw me for a loop, but I've figured it out with the help of many people on boards across the web, who were trying to figure it out themselves. Here's the boiled-down deal for someone like me, who shares an Apple ID with other family members to share apps and music purchased via iTunes...
Keep the shared Apple ID for iTunes purchases. Then each person in the family needs to have a different unique Apple ID for use with the iCloud. That will keep each of your files, contacts, backups, etc. separate while you can still share music and apps.
I think. I haven't had time to try it yet, but it's supposed to work. Unfortunately you can't experiment and jack around with your Apple IDs, because you have to wait 90 days to reassign an Apple ID to a device.
Here's a very basic article with most of the stuff I learned from skimming the net. (A hazard of downloading the first day.)
Saturday 9: Mrs. Potter's Lullaby
1. Adam Duritz (writer and lead singer of Counting Crows) mentions previous girlfriends in songs. In Mrs. Potter's Lullaby he sings “There a little piece of Maria in every song I sing”. Is there a piece of an ex that will always be a part of you?
Of course. JohnH gave me a deep appreciation of all different types of people, most of whom I would never have met, but for his expansive and wildly diverse social circle. Evans' philosophical and laid-back nature rubbed off on me... a bit! :D
2. Who was your very first significant friend?
Kristen Duteny in kindergarten
3. What are four (4) things you hope to do this weekend?
celebrate a victory at the A&M/Baylor game
see Ides of March
hang out with KathyL
figure out my iCloud stuff
4. What do you consider to be the main purpose of your blog?
free-form writing, with very occasional helpful or entertaining information
5. Tell us something that you've never before written about in your blog because it's too personal.
Ahahahaahaaaaaaa!! I think I've covered just about everything. Well, anything that might embarrass my daughter a LOT, I wouldn't say here.
6. If you could choose your doctor, do you prefer someone of the same or opposite sex?
If I have absolutely no other information or recommendation, I go with a guy. My only current female doc is my OB/GYN. She rocks!
7. If you could dream about anything tonight, what would the subject matter be?
George. Clooney.
8. How do you react to practical jokes when they're played on you?
I'm usually very embarrassed (which encourages people to do these things again), but I laugh along with everyone else!
9. What's on your agenda for the upcoming week?
We have a big Foundation event on Thursday night!
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