Fantastic Football Day

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What a game yesterday!! Best part- when we really pulled ahead and after touchdowns we all started chanting SEC! SEC! SEC! And the crowd reaction when the SEC/A&M commercial played on the big screen. It was perfect. Thanks for trying to block our school from leaving the conference with your legal mumbo-jumbo, Baylor. SEC-ya' later.

And Scott had a great time. Yay! Hope he doesn't accidentally let out a "WHOOP!" at his Amherst/Williams game-watching event next month.

Sunday Stealing: The Questions Galore Meme, Part 2

21. What was the last song you listened to that wasn’t sung in English?
Does Enrique Iglesias' "Bailamos" count? ...te quiero amor mio... If not, then last week I watched an old TV performance of NSYNC's "Yo Te Voy Amar".

22. One of our SS players generally leaves a critical comment on our memes. Which is fine. All's fair. Do you let meme authors know when you hate their memes?
Nope. I just don't do them.

23. What TV show would you like to be on?
American Idol. As a judge.

24. What was the last video game you played?
Guitar Hero a few months ago

25. Have you ever been in a musical? If yes, do tell.
Several school musicals, from 3rd grade to 12th grade. My first role in 3rd grade, I was Raggedy Ann in a Christmas musical, where the toys came to life. My senior year, I was a Bluebird Girl (Can-Can dancer and singer) in Carnival. My biggest musical role was Aunt Polly in Tom Sawyer in 5th grade.

26. Do you follow your own style or everyone else’s?
I'm not putting together really "out there" outfits or anything, so I guess I'm following the normal style du jour.

27. What’s the last store you bought from?

28. In retrospect, have you ever let a person use you a lot?
Gosh I hope not.

29. What are you doing two days from now?
Spending the day at the LBJ Library and Bullock Museum with Doug.

30. Did you ever believe there were monsters in your closet?
Yep. Mostly, I was afraid of things under my bed though.

31. When you graduated high school, did you let random people sign your yearbook or just close friends?
No random people. Only friends and acquaintances.

32. Would you consider adopting a child that had a mental illness?

33. Does thinking about death scare you?
Yes, as it should.

34. If you died, do you believe that you go to Heaven or Hell and where would your spirit go?
Heaven. No giggles from the Peanut Gallery.

35. Who did you last write a snail mail letter to and why?
I don't remember the last snail mail letter I wrote.

36. Do you care what people say or think about you?
To an extent. I care what people who are close to me think about me. I want to know what others think, but their opinions don't affect me as much.

37. Have you ever been threatened?
I was almost smacked by a guy once. I have never been even remotely inclined to lay a finger on anyone in anger, but I would have beat the ever-loving sh*t out of him if he had touched me.

38. Which side of your family do you get most of your qualities from?
Good question! Probably my mom's. But there is a lot of my dad's side as well.

39. What was the last thing with alcohol that you drank?
a margarita at Kathy's last weekend

40. Have you ever kept a relationship a secret?


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