Twitter Ah Ha Moment
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I've figured out why I don't do Twitter all that much. My eyes skip over any highlighted word that begins with @ or #. Unless your tweets are like mine- textual updates with very little in the way of tags and referrals- I'm not processing most of your message.
Also, I have no way to "Like" your hilarious and/or informative tweet. I guess the correct manner to acknowledge you is:
LOL/Thanks for the info! RT @you: Funny/informative tweet.
Excess typing and cryptography make me sad, but rest assured, I am laughing at and/or processing your tweet, even though I don't say so. Unless it's full of hashtags and stuff.
Yikes. I'm so uncool.
Saturday 9: Mr. Roboto
1. Do you enjoy holidays like Halloween or is your approach more robotic?
I love Halloween and other holidays like it! I am disappointed when people around me aren't as into it as I am.
2. Have you ever been to a haunted house?
All sorts of haunted houses and other places, including the Halloween ones for fun, a ghost tour in Charleston, and a stay at the Driskill. I have a haunted hay ride story... in high school, a big group of us went to the local huge Baptist Church's hay ride, which ended up with church staff funneling all of us into the main sanctuary and literally locking us in for a sermon. Not. Kidding. There was an adult blocking every closed door to the place. You think WE were pissed? You should have seen our parents when we told them!
3. What are you doing for Halloween this year?
Just giving out candy, since Doug didn't invite me along to Halloween in Dallas tonight. ;)
4. What was your lamest Halloween costume ever?
I worked Halloween at Gallaghers in high school and wore a pin on my dress that said "This IS my costume."
5. Is handing out candy fun for you, or more of a nightmare?
It's usually fun until about 8:00, when the un-costumed teenagers with pillowcases full of candy start showing up. I make them say "Trick-or-treat." You can't half-ass the whole thing.
6. Do you buy trick-or-treat candy and end up eating it yourself?
Never. I buy stuff I don't eat. Leftovers go straight to work with Jeff November 1.
7. Did you carve any pumpkins this year?
Nope. We haven't carved a pumpkin since Lauren was small, when we did it religiously. Aww, I miss that!
8. What was your favorite costume as a child?
No question- Ballerina!!
9. What is your biggest pet peeve about trick-or-treaters?
I don't like the ones who are in cars. The whole point is to walk around your neighborhood or with friends in their neighborhood. I don't want to see your mom creepin' in the running car in the street.
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