Tuesday Stuff
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Allergan has a new commercial for a med that helps with something they call "chronic migraine," defined as 15 or more migraines a MONTH. That's positively nightmarish. I get about one migraine a year, and that's awful enough. I used to have a prescription for a barbiturate (Fiorinal), but since I get migraines so infrequently, I didn't have it with me when I was out of town several years ago. I had to use Excedrin Migraine, and guess what- it worked just as well! Much less hassle, safer and readily available anywhere. Try it if you haven't. As long as I take it before the aura goes away (first 30 minutes or so) I get no headache whatsoever. I have a slight nausea and sound/light sensitivity, but that is it. I've never had to take a second dose.
While I'm giving random handy hints... all those new "curling mascaras" curl your lashes because the applicator brush gets mascara all the way around your lashes. To do it with whatever mascara you already own, just coat the top and bottom of your lashes. Ta da!! It really works.
Well, I added a Facebook page for my hobby website, encouraging everyone currently getting weekly updates via my Yahoo group to switch over. I was thinking probably 85% would move and I could just ditch the Yahoo group. Yeah, about 15% made the switch. So now my website has a Yahoo Group, a Facebook page and a blog. I really need to stop there. Sorry Twitter.
This weekend I did a survey meme that asked my current favorite commercial. Lauren reminded me it's actually this Chili's one:
Well, mostly the first five seconds. I've been saying, "It's singeing me!" for several weeks now, whenever the sun is frying my skin- quite a lot during the 100+-degree OSU game a couple of weeks ago.
(That is the correct spelling of "singeing." Yes, I did have to make sure. :) )
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