Fix YouTube "Player Too Small" Error

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If an embedded YouTube player is less than 200 pixels in width and/or height, it will usually (not always, so weird!) give an error when a user tries to play the video. The easy fix is to make sure it's more than 200 pixels tall when you are resizing your embedded player.

I am limited to 280 pixels in width in the right sidebar here, which results in a player height less than 200. To fix, just resize to your desired width (must be over 200) in YouTube's embed code. YouTube's code will retain perspective, so the height won't be over 200, but that's okay for the moment. After you cut and past YouTube's code, just increase the height to 201, or more if it's still not working, in your own html. (I tried setting it to 200, but I was still getting the error.) The player will just add black space at the top and bottom.

For example, I resized Ellie Goulding's beautiful version of Active Child's (also fabulous) "Hanging On" when I posted it in my sidebar this weekend. YouTube's resized dimensions were 280x158. I just changed it to 280x201, after cut/pasting into my html. You can see that it works splendidly >>>.


Jeff's Samsung Galaxy had not been receiving all of his calls for the past few weeks. It was very random, which ones weren't getting through. No mention of them in "recent calls." Nothing. Just a lot of people saying they called, when he had no idea. So he got a new phone. I tried to get him to get an iPhone 4S (only $129!), but surprisingly *coughnotreallycough* he went for the Galaxy SIII. The one redeeming thing about that purchase- the phone is maroon. WHOOP!

(Somewhere, ScottK is laughing. He loves the whoop. I'm not certain if Amherst grads are officially allowed to whoop, but I tell ya', he can whoop with the best of 'em.)

FYI, Sam's has phones for less than the AT&T Store.

My only problem with the Galaxy SIII-- it has a flashing light on it to notify you of emails, phone messages, etc. That thing lights up my bedroom at night. It's going to have to be face down on the nightstand.


Jeff and I had a fabulous time with Tara and Kimberly and their families on Sunday! It's always great to catch up with all of them. I got to harass Kimberly in person for outing Caleb's engagement on Facebook, before it had been officially announced there. Caleb's fiancée was totally cool about it, but she is much, much nicer than I. :)


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