Football Roundup

Monday, September 10, 2012

Another spotted dick joke from Friday... The teachers have physical mailboxes in the school office.

L: I'm going to leave some on her desk.
D: Why don't you just put it in her box?


We had a great time at the game!! Loss notwithstanding, of course. The energy and volume of the crowd was the level of a t.u. game. We played well overall and were evenly matched with Florida, and were ahead for most of the game, which is far better than I'd hoped! I was so thrilled for Johnny Manziel when he got his first touchdown. He was psyched!! The team was so proud of him as well. I think he's going to be an exceptional quarterback.

New coach, new freshman QB, new conference. Dominated the first half. I think it went pretty well. So YAY! The second half wasn't a complete flop, like our prior few years. I never felt like they gave up. Florida's fantastic march to the end zone at the beginning of the third quarter totally deflated everyone, but the team hung in there.

Onward and upward.

Best of all, Kevin Murray (Aggies QB 1983-86, while I was there) signed my A&M baseball cap!! WHOOP! Lauren's comment: "He's still really buff." She left off the "...after all these years..." which I appreciated.

Now I need to locate Bucky Richardson to have the complete QB autograph collection from my years at TAMU. And of course, Coach Sherrill would be a coup. He's at a lot of the games, so maybe I'll catch him at some point.

Congrats Denver on beating the icky Steelers!! Awesome game. Also, Eric Decker is hot. Worth a mention.

Sunday Stealing: The 88 Meme, Part Three

46. What are your LEGAL initials?

47. Who's the first B in your contacts?
Bob B, a close friend from college. He's from New York and was in the navy before coming to engineering school at A&M. He married an English gal, and they live in the UK now.

48. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Friday night, at the spotted dick pun marathon.

49. Your number 1 top friend walks out of your life, do you go after them?

50. Explain your last awkward moment?
At the Aggie game, when the Gators missed their field goal and I spent so much time cheering and talking to Lauren about how awesome it was, that I missed the fact that we had taken a timeout before the play and they redid the field goal and made it. Oy.

51. Are you afraid of the dark?
Only if I've just watched something scary or if I'm completely alone.

52. Do you have good vision?
Yes, but I am slightly nearsighted in one eye and slightly farsighted in the other, so the optometrist said I will need glasses sometime soon to avoid headaches. 

53. Have you ever tripped someone?
I've tripped the cat when he was chasing his sister.

54. Have you ever slapped someone?

55. Are you Irish?
I am part Irish, yes! About 12.5%. My mom's mother was half Irish. Someone check my math.

56. Do you use chap stick?
I use Burt's Bees. Chap Stick is too waxy.

57. Do you have any scars?
Several small ones. Two larger ones that are not very visible.

58. Is there someone you will never forgive?
My aunt who verbally pummeled me during a drunken rant. Actually, I may forgive her at some point, but I will never ever forget the things she said.

59. Are you dating the person you last held hands with?
I'm married to him.

60. Name the last person to text you?

61. Would you marry someone 8 years older than you?
Possible, but highly doubtful.

62. Can you go in public looking like you do?

63. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a A?
Not that I can think of!

64. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
On the left, when you're laying in the bed.

65. What's the first thing you'll do on your wedding day?
The first thing I did was get up and take a Tums. I was a bundle of nerves. Dad and the bridesmaids ate well at breakfast. Me, not so much.

66. Do you fall for people easily?
The right people, yes.

67. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
Lauren, Jeff, Kenneth

68. Do you miss the way things used to be?
Not generally.


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